
What is the reaction of usa people for the statue of liberty not getting selected in 7 woder of the world?

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i feel sad , and the selection was not proper...




  1. Well..

    It's a d**n awesome statue, but it's not a WONDER.

  2. There is no reaction for everything.


  3. I have no problem with the 7 selected.

  4. Simply put, it's a copper statue that was delivered by France. There is no engineering marvel about it, and while it is supposed to represent freedom the majority of the world (and a good amount of Americans) feel that freedoms in America have been greatly eroded. Taking that into account, it just becomes an above average copper statue in the eyes of many.

  5. Oh golly gee opie...

  6. Eh, not that big a deal.

  7. I like how the Pyramids didn't make it, either, and had to be granted "honorary" status.

    There the choices were mostly good, and there were many great places not chosen.  As for the Statue of Liberty not getting chosen... I never expected it.  But it's special to us, and many more Americans will see the Statue than Petra.

    I still live Lady Liberty though, even though I've never seen her myself... yet.

  8. It is an homage to a past era, that has no significance today (other than the tourist dollars it creates).

    Everyone knows the greatest wonder in the US is the Mall of America, specifically the presence of the world's greatest concentration of Sunglass Huts.

  9. who cares

  10. What is the "wonder" about it? With what our government is doing the "wonder" is that it is still standing.

  11. most of what was voted wonders arnt , they missed the chunnle under the English channel that's a wonder

  12. first of all statue of liberty cannot be a seventh wonder of the world there is nothing special its just a copper statue given to us by the french, one thing it does stands for is our freedoom in this awsome land of ours the united state of america,as a imigrant my self i wouldnt trade the freedoom we have for nothing thats what the statue of liberty it stand for

  13. God, I missed something else.  What list? What was on it?  I wouldn't think it would be a wonder as aren't they chosed from "natural " wonders not man made?

  14. to me some the the seven wonders of the world are things like

    my son

    my friends

    my dog


    nice temperatures

    clean water

    clean air

    and i would just love to see a starry night again.

    stuff like that

    what difference does it make if people don't think what you think is a wonder or not?

  15. I could care less.its a copper sheath over a wood wonder there

  16. It really doesnt  mean anything anymore.  Give us your poor and hungry?  No thanks, we're full up right now dealing with our own. Try back next year.

  17. Nah. It's a beautiful symbol, but it is not "wonder of the world" class.

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