
What is the real behave and manner of french,for generally?

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What is the real behave and manner of french,for generally?




  1. sociable, humoristic.Nous sommes des gens ouverts meme si parfois il y des cons comme partout de toutes facons.

  2. They can be petty and unhelpful and incredibly rude.  And I am half-French, speak the language fluently and have a holiday home there.

    However, you will find in hotels and most restaurants you are treated with utmost courtesy and kindness, as these establishments are often owner-operated and it is not in their interest to turn away custom.

  3. You cannot categorize French behavior generally, since they behave differently towards different people.  As a general rule, though, French people tend to be cold and/or distant to people they don't know.  Being invaded a lot in early history left French people with a distrust for strangers.  They value their friends, and you have to work hard to become a friend before you'll see the real them.  Most of the time when you think they're being rude, they just don't know you.  If you go to a boulangerie every day for a week and make small talk while you buy, by the end of the week, you may get a smile from the person behind the counter.

    Their behavior towards the US is just as complex.  Some people think the US and the French hate each other, but they actually have more in common than it would seem.  This combativeness, though, started after WWII when Charles De Gaulle wouldn't let France be sucked into the United States' sphere of influence during the Cold War.  Americans developed an "if you're not with us, you're against us" type of attitude from that.  Nowadays, the Americans get mad at the French when they don't support our military advances (even if they supported another similar one a few months back), and the French get mad at the Americans when we insist on following through with military action even without the support of the UN.

    This may have been way more than you wanted to know, so in case you were just asking about how they treat tourists...  Parisiens tend to be the grumpiest, because they're just tourist-ed out.  There are A LOT of tourists there at any one time, and in August there's more tourists than actual Parisiens.  As you get off the beaten path, they tend to get friendlier.  Also, French people are very proud of their language, so if you try (even if you don't know very much at all), it makes them happier.

  4. That is an interesting question... Generic question brings generic answer... You find french with manners and attentionate, as you find french with no manners and no behaving. That is what makes the world so interesting...

    For example, within french you will see that the french from the northern part of the country, think the people from the south are arrogante, etc... Vice versa is also valid. Everybody outside Paris, think the parisian are rude...

    You will always find someone to criticize. What I can say, is if you are nice to people they are nice to you. May be sometime you think have no manners, but dont you think it might be because of a specific reason. For sure, french dont like when foreigners dont make any effort, and feel that they are the one being the foreigner in their own country.

    So a minimummanners to the local (and it is valid with any country), will bring attention to you and kindness.

  5. is French here nationality or language?If it is nationality, let them not interefere in other countries' affairs,but they can deal with their own problems not the others'.But if it is the language,there has't already been to say something or to do something...English has a real behave and manner in a positive sense..Regards....

  6. I'm rude, snobish, i hate strangers.

    I take a shower only one time a week.

    I eat frogs every day.

    My girlfriend smokes and have hairy armpits.

    And i let my grand-mother dying last hot summer.

    Bye !

  7. in my experience arrogance is paramount

  8. nice people

  9. the people from paris are rude s****. and generally stuck up

  10. I think that the french people are great because I have a chance to work with many of them. They are generally nice people and everythime I visit France I have a great time. The french are not s****. and are definetly not stuck up, even though many people in America do not like them because some people in France think Americans are arrogant and s****.. Once you get to meet french people they are very nice. Le français sont tres agréables gens! ! !

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