
What is the real deal with New York ?

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When my friend visited New York on Holiday he said it was an amazing groovy place to live.

Whenever we see New York on tv over here in the UK its protrayed as a place which is really modern, young and great apartments etc etc.


Alot of Americans say its Dirty, S****y etc.


What is the real deal with New York ?





  1. really have to do the research...there are some really great places in New York, but they may be a little expensive. Not all of it is dirty and S****y and everything but you have to watch out because there is a lot of crime. And pollution...

  2. NYC is a big place and just like any other big city, there are dirtier area but there are also a lot of very nice areas too and many trendy things to do.

  3. Alot of Americans say its Dirty, S****y because they probably visited it in the 1980's when there were lots of p**n shops around Times Square.  But since then, NYC has cleaned up its act.  And crime has gone down with the removal of some of these undesirables.  So now it's a much safer and cleaner city.

  4. New York really isn't as glamorous as they make it seem in the movies. It's not the cleanest city but it's interesting but I've never heard it described as "groovy" before.  

  5. I go to New York a few times a year, my dad is there at least 5 times a week for work. I really love going, it's so fun and there's lots to do. It is somewhat dirty and I hate riding the Subway, but it's a big city and so many people live there. Many cities are dirty, but for the most part New York is a great place to visit. It's especially beautiful around Christmas time. It all depends on what parts you visit ;)

  6. Let me just say that's smart of you to come to Yahoo! Answers and ask instead of being spoon-fed everything you see on the BBC or whichever news station you watch over in the UK.  I wish more people would do that....

    I moved here from southern california to nyc for college.

    The weather isn't all that great in NYC, but I heard it's dreary and rainy in the UK so I guess it's a give-or-take situation in that department.

    NYC is very expensive, however, if you're visiting, you will find things much cheaper than in London because of the weak dollar.  I guess this includes apartments since you'll be bringing over your pounds sterling savings to live here.  

    The people can be s****. and rude, not as polite as Californians which is a drawback.  Not much to add here, I have no idea how people are in Europe.  

    In terms of nightlife, I'm sure we're one of the most fun cities to party in, seeing how the streets are flooded with bars offering all types of themes and age groups, not to mention public transportation runs all night long.  

    As for being dirty/S****y, the subways are VERY dirty, you can literally see stalactites of gunk from the roofs and a sea of  black smudges of gum all over the floors, which is unfortunate.  However, I will add that I've heard our subway system gets the job done better than that of London's .  

    That's all I can really say... if you need more info I guess you'll have to visit (and now's the time to visit for Europeans).  

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