
What is the real message of the movie pay it forward?

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  1. Adolescent angst and curiosity is immeasurable and unpredictable.  

    For example, one kid came up with a thoughtful idea even though he had an abusive father and an emotionally unstable mother.  Another kid stabbed him.

  2. You sow what you reap.

  3. Kevin Spacey's career is over?

  4. I like K-Pax better.

  5. 1)  Truly generous acts are rewarded and make the world a better place.  Remember, the rules were that the giver could not gain from his/her acts.

    2)  Good deeds are contagious.  When someone receives the kindness of a stranger without expectation of return, it softens their heart and they are more likely to do the same for others.

    These things actually do work as does the underlying principle of "If you want something, give it away."  If you want people to smile to you, smile at them.  If you want people to speak respectfully to you, speak respectfully to you.  And even the rich know, if you want money, give it away.  It works.  And no, I can't explain that last part.  Call it Karma.

  6. It's about random acts of kindness...if you do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return, they will do the same thing for someone else.  It makes the world a more civilized place to live!

  7. I love this movie!

    I think the meaning is-you never what is going to happen in the next minute-live your life to the fullest and try not to be so selfish and think of others in your endeavers.  He was killed trying to help someone.  That's a risk we take when we step out on a limb.  That's what life is all about.   He left behind a memory of caring for others.  

    I could be wrong-but that is what I got from the movie.

  8. I think it's about being aware of the needs of others.

  9. doing the right thing, sometimes just isn't enough.

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