
What is the realative location of Ukraine?

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What is the realative location of Ukraine?




  1. The Ukraine, covers the latitude and longitude of 49 00 N and 32 00 E

  2. Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It borders Russia to the east, Belarus to the north, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south.

  3. Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Poland, Romania, and Moldova in the west and Russia in the east.

  4. Ukraine's neighbours:

    Belarus - North

    Russia - NorthEast & East

    Moldova - South

    Romania - SouthWest

    Hungary - SouthWest

    Slovakia - SouthWest

    Poland - West  

    and 'Sea of Azov','Black Sea' to the South.

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