
What is the reality of being a counsellor?

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OK-I'm 23, soon to be 24, have suffered from anxiety problems since I was 18, have been on meds for 3 yrs, have a 2:2 in psychology and the only career that really appeals to me is one helping others with mental health issues, and mainly the idea of counselling. My only concern is that my anxiety will affect me too much and I will not cope with some of the issues I will face, but at the same time I think I could really understand where people are coming from and be able to help them as I know what it feels like.....

I really want to know what it is like being a counsellor, if it is really tough and any advice any counsellors out their may have for me would be great

thankyou, anna




  1. I would say this is most definitely not for you. Not because you are not able but that anyone who is in the position you have been in and can see what its like to be anxious and have been on medication especially for so long, really would be better placed with a different type of career. Having sympathy for people in that position is one thing but being a trained counsellor with all that involves takes a number of years and has to have a high degree of tolerance of others and the plights of their lives and are you really ready to be able to help them, who will have far worse problems than you have experienced yourself.

    The people i have encountered in this field not one have been former patients, they have studied medicine or psychology, and have gone on from there.

  2. You are still young.  I cannot say if you are currently well positioned to train as a counsellor, but either way, you have many years ahead and tons of time to become a counsellor.  Many people start in their 40's and 50's.

    Either way, NVQ 2 counselling skills at your local college isn't rocket science even if you just did it for the experience.  And a few simple counselling qualifications can be useful in many jobs, eg. working with homeless, social housing, etc. etc. But you could become a counsellor at anytime later if this proves not to be the moment.  Don't sweat it.

  3. OK Anna, the reality,is you most likely will feel in therapy when studying,it will,of course be different to when i studied some years ago.When in Practise,you have to Know your limitations,Sometimes a certain kind of problem can set off flashback to your own,that would be a disaster.On a positive note,only you know what you can take,you sound as if you'd have to take any case,it's not the case,promise,Richard

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