
What is the reality of racism in Germany?

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Hello everyone:

I am an East Indian interested in visiting Germany for tourism purposes, but am being swayed not to go due to the country's infamous reputation for racism.

Can anyone who has visited Germany contribute their thoughts on this issue?






  1. The reality is that they are racist and rude but they want your tourist dollars. You'll be okay in the West and miserable in the East.

  2. donno how it is with your race but i am african. i am in germany right now and the people are sometimes racial i can say. they are proud of their nation and dont want it crowded. it also depends on the town you are in . but at times i am not allowed in the clubs. apparently it is members only . but how do i become a member if i am not allowed in. but best advise is YOU HAVE TO KNOW THE LANGUAGE TO GET AROUND. good luck. maybe if you want more info let me know

  3. Jeez... People who told you that have never been to Germany and just heard what they now tell you. It's not that bad and I get really angry when I read something like infamous reputation for racism!!!

    I am German and I am not at all racist, as well as all the people I know! Especially not against Indians! We have a lot of respect for other nations.

    If you want to discuss with me or find out what places you like to visit, write me an e-mail.

    I strongly advise you not to listen to people who spread their prejudices and I invite you to visit beautiful Germany!!

  4. Vikram -

    I am an African American living in Germany for professional sites, I have not experience any reputation of racism.  The Germany people and the culture are beautiful.  No worries.

    Signed/Travel on!

  5. Hi from Düsseldorf, Germany. Let me make it short:  When I was in the States and people heard my German accent, some of them called me n**i. Is this tolerant?

    We are not responsible for what had happened 60 years ago, we are very open minded and everyone is hearty welcome, like it could be seen during the soccer world championship.

    MORONS ARE EVERYWHERE - so of course you will find some racists, too. But this is not a German problem, it's international.

  6. I am euroepean and as I know and often heared about, you better avoid visiting eastern germany if you are non-white. too much happened there in the past. last week someone there said goodbye to me as "heil hitler", but this wasn't cause of racism, just only a young idiot.

  7. I've been to Germany and none of the people there are at all racist. I met all different kinds of people and since you are Indian I also met lots of Indian people in Germany who seemed quite satisfied

  8. To add to the previous post, I am African American and I was in Germany for six weeks this past summer and I was also suprised how nice and friendly there are. I was also nervous about racism and I did not epxerience any of it in the major cities but if you go to the smaller towns and villages you get stared at and might get attacked. So be cautious and try not to look for negatives. I went to a n**i bar in small city and I am glad my friend didn't tell me this till we left the bar/club. Because I had a great time and yes I was stared at but I was open to new experiences. I fell in love with Germany and I miss it everyday and my advice to you is to go because you will make memories that will last you a lifetime. And yes I also agree that america has more racist people than Germany.

  9. Oh please! There are MANY nationalities in Germany, they won`t even notice you! It is no different than anywhere else!

  10. There are only surden parts in germany that racist ppl hang around avoid them.

    if you stay in cities and in active places don`t worry because more then half the people in germany are not original from germany but there are a couple of ppl left that you don`t need  to come close.

    every country has there racist parts.

  11. I have lived in Germany for 19 years. Racism in Germany? Yes, but as far as your visit, not a problem. If you happen to visit Frankfurt you will more than likely run into someone for your country before you meet a real live German.

    As a tourist, I do not think you will have a problem. What bothers me is how often I hear this about Germany when the rest of Europe is just as bad. Yes, if you happen to wander into a small town that does not get a lot of tourists you will be stared at. I think that would be true if I visited a small town in your country, people might look at me too, wondering what is he doing here?

    Be happy that you are not American. Thanks to Bush I have all kinds of problems from unfriendly comments in restaurants to being attacked by a group of young Turkish youths - as an American I represent the enemy of Islam. At least that is what these young punks were screaming at me.

    My advice to you? Same as any tourist to where ever you go - be careful and have a good time!

  12. Hi Vikram,

    I couldn't resist in answering, even though you've gotten many answers already.

    The bad reputation of Germany for racism dates back to WW II, which is now more than 60 years ago!

    Did you know that in a city like Frankfurt 30% of the population are foreigners? In Berlin and Munich, about 20-25% of the residents are foreigners.

    Wow! How can all these foreigners live in Germany if we're really that racist??

    The truth of course is, Germany is not more (and maybe even less) racist than any other country in the world.

    As a tourist or business person, with a decent behaviour (and by that I mean being a polite "normal" person not looking for trouble such as hanging around drunken and starting to offend people) your chances to be a victim of racism are less then being hit by a flash.

    I have many friends and colleagues from all over the world (Asians, Africans, Indians, Europeans, ....) and none of them has ever had any complaint about being treated rascistly.

    You might get stared at, when visiting smaller towns in rural areas. But that's more curiosity than anything else.

    I remember when I visited for the first time Kenya about 10 years ago. In a small town children would start crying and running away when they saw me!!

    Obviously not because they were rascist, but because they had never seen a white person before.

    Personally I think it's more dangerous to be in New York than anywhere in Germany, independent of your skin color or race.

  13. Hi! I'm Mexican and I was a bit concerned about racism in Germany when I visited.

    I was surprised when I discover I felt more rejected in the USA than in Germany. I felt quite comfortable there. Even though, some German friends told me that in some parts of the east there are more racist groups than in the west part of the country.

    I think that while you are in the touristic cities as Frankfurt, Munchen, Cologne and Berlin you shall not have any kind of problem.

    Personal advise: Avoid to be alone at nights in lonely places and if you see a group of skin headed youngsters stay away and safe.

  14. Many people says, there is more racism in the east than in the west of Germany, but thats not true. I'm a German and I never saw any person who was against foreingers and so on. You can visit every place in Germany, if you want, and you don't have to be angry.

    I don't care about racism when I go to the US or UK, too, so why care about it in Germany? Only because the past? It was many years ago!!

  15. i think racism is not a big problem in germany...

    if you are a tourist you will have no problems.

    it isn´t like around 1940 ...

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