
What is the reason Russia has invaded Georgia?

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Who thinks that the Russians are pigs?




  1. Russia is NOT invading Georgia. Georgia is aggressor was directed by criminal and war criminal Bush administration to invade small republic of South Ossetia where Russian peacekeeping forces were stationed since 1992. Russia only helps South Ossetia to drive Georgian invaders away. Our government on purpose keeps spreading false and misleading propaganda in order to make Russia look bad. For your information Georgian puppet president Saakashvili is a former attorney from NY.

  2. Ossetia was meant to become part of Georgia, but South Ossetia did not want to become part of Georgia they would rather become part of Russia or be there own independent nation.

    So Georgia invaded South Ossetia to force Ossetia to join, and Ossetia has alot of Russian citizens there. So Russia is more than happy to help their people and sends out their tanks.

    So at the moment they have advanced to Georgias cities in hope of them backing down.

  3. Its not really quite as simple as an invasion. Georgia split off from the U.S.S.R. in the 90's and NATO recognized the area of South Ossetia as being part of Georgia. Unfortunately, this area has a lot of ethnic Russians living in it. These people have declared independence from Georgia but as of yet no one has recognized it. The Georgians, wanting to quell this uprising, rolled into South Ossetia and started shelling Tskhinvali. Of course, Russia wants to protect their people so they come down with their armor and things just escalated from there.

    So to reiterate that Russia invaded Georgia after Georgia invaded South Ossetia.  

  4. Russians are pigs all right.

  5. Russians are bears

  6. For good cooking, why else?

  7. After the war between S.Ossetia and Georgia in 1991-1992 the three sides S.Ossetia, Georgia and Russia decided to sign the peace agreeement and deploy the peacekeepers on the border zone.

    Russia was the primary mediator and peacekeeper there.

    About August,7  11:30PM Georgia broke this agreement by starting the heavy artillery and rocket fire on the capital of S.Ossetia. The town were ruined. Thousands of civilians were killed. Then were attacks on the peacekeepers and georgian tanks and soldiers entered the town.

    Witnesses and refugees say about terrible things took place there, that Russia called genocide. They say about tanks chasing the children and civilians, georgian soldiers that burned people alive, injured were cut with knives while other georgian soldiers laughing looking at it.

    The lightly armored russian peacekeepers were also attacked by georgian tanks. At least 10 were killed during that night, more than 30 were injured. As the primary peacekeeper Russia decided to enter the army to protect the civilians.

  8. Because Georgia attacked the citizen of South Ossetia(unrecognized sovereign state) where russian Military Peacekeepers where stationed since 1992 after the truce between Georgia and S.O. Georgia initially attacked the territory killing a few thousand pple including certain peacekeepers. So Russia responded 24hours later after no actions from the US, European Union, Nato and others, to protect the weak people of S.O. and defend their peacekeepers-remember that peacekeeper soldiers only carry small arms, not sufficient enough for any combat situation. The citizens of S.O. are ethnically russian for over a century. They broke out of Georgia since 1990-92 and ally themselves with Russia

  9. No clue why so many people think that Russia are just invading Countries to Build a new USSR.

    Russia is just in my opinion making sure Georgia is getting taught a lesson. Making sure that Georgia won't invade another ally of Russia.

    Georgia started this fight in the first place, now they are getting owned.

  10. Power. Ukraine is next

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