
What is the reason for Bounty Hunter Tony Leonard to spring Casey Anthony?

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Bounty Hunter and Bail-Bondsman Tony Leonard says he will post the $500,000 bond to get Casey Anthony out of jail----hey that's half a million.

There does not appear to be any chance of a direct financial gain for his gamble----so what's his motif?

I can think of only two possible reasons---perhaps you might think of more.

1)---he is using this for fame and a big publicity stunt----can we see a book---a movie---or out-do Dog the Bounty Hunter?

2)---Animal Magnetism----could he have an unusual attraction to her?

from what I understand she will be wearing the ankle bracelet--and confined to her parents home.

The bracelet is a pretty good watch-dog from what I have read. Stays on all the time---even in shower----water proof---hypoallergenic---and shock-resistant.--also quite tamper-proof. Trying to remove it will emit an alarm that gives prompt notification to law-enforcement personnel

Will she be able to entertain Tony there?

I do hope they find Daughter Caylee alive and well.

all thoughts are appreciated..




  1. It  is  a  very  strange  case,  imo.  Casey  is  irresponsible,  it  seems  to  me.  And  lies,  lies,  lies.  I  sure  hope  the  truth  comes  out  soon,  about  everything.  

    Yes,  I  agree  that  the  bounty  hunter  is  out  for  lots  of  free  publicity  and  who  knows  what  else.  Maybe  there  really  is  some  kind  of  attraction  to  Casey  on  his  part.  Although  I  can't  imagine  any  guy  of  intelligence  and  character  being  that  attracted  to  her.

  2. I think your first answer was correct. He wants the publicity. He called himself a "camera w***e". This case keeps dragging on and on and he sees a chance to get in the national spotlight and make a name for himself. This sure is a strange case. It would seem if she was kidnapped, the perpetrator would have given her up because her picture is on TV everyday. I hope she is alive but the longer this goes on the less likely that she is.  

  3. In my opinion,The man is out to make a name for himself.

    I do believe if anyone can get the truth out of Casey, it will be her parents, if she has to stay with them.

    They practically raised Caylee & showered her with love, don't you know the pain they feel and the h--l the press has put them through.

    Cindy would probably like to shake her till her teeth rattle.

    I would. I'm sick of her silence. ~~~~~

  4. The actual bounty hunter in Orlando right now to bail Casey out is Leonard Padilla owner of Tony Padilla bail bonds, Tony is his nephew who is the actual bail bondsman. So he will be the one working with Casey. I'm sure Tony will be around but this idea is the brainchild of Leonard. Now to the point, I think this is a bad idea. What does she have to tell anyone that she couldn't ell them when she was incarcerated? I just hope that she doesn't find a way to bolt before the authorities get to her if she cuts off the bracelet, she won't get far but we never know. I also he she doesn't kill herself taking the mystery of what happened to that precious baby to her grave with her, like in the Melinda Duckett case.  I am trying to be optimistic about it even thought I don't think it will get them anywhere. Casey is selfish, she will never tell anyone anything unless they slap the evidence in her face, maybe not even then. Hopefully this will help find Caylee if she is alive, and if she is in fact deceased I hope they can bring her home for a proper burial!

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