
What is the reason for an increase in the number of volcanic eruptions?

by Guest44557  |  earlier

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What is the reason for an increase in the number of volcanic eruptions?




  1. No doubt the disasters like earthquakes,Tsunami,volcano or cyclones are increasing day by day. Every body is blaming the global warming. But is it the real cause . It is the question. It needs deep study. But time being by educating the people and to be aware of this incidents will help to save the life.

  2. Sorry, there has been no increase in the number of volcanic eruptions.

    We live on a very, very large planet. At any one time there are about 1,500 active volcanoes around the world, about 100 in the United States.

    However, there has been much improvement in news coverage.

  3. volcanoes are formed by tectonic plates which move one on top of another forming a raise in the land (volcano.) Earthquakes happen when a plate moves suddenly but i assume volcanoes happen because of global warming or to do with an increase in the movement of tectonic plates and their collisions.

  4. The mantle in the earth has different dencities and as the earth turns the interior of the earth moves a little slower causing plates to shift. also in subduction zones (techtonic plates meeting and one folding other onother , occationaly slipps releacing emence amounts of energy. This is about all I know..

  5. Global Warming

  6. Donut Tim is 100% right on the money.

    The natural phenomenon Earth experiences, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, warming and cooling, etc, have been going on for almost 4 billion years.

    The only thing that has changed is the level of communication the world has now.

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