
What is the reason for being in single currency for the UK? ?

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What is the reason for being in single currency for the UK? ?




  1. sovereignty  and what about not wanting to lose a currency and a cultural identity.

    the POUND is as English as roast beef and yorkshire puds...  

  2. because once you join a currency you have to deal with their inflation, their devaluation, etc. pounds should stay, the lesser economies in the EU bring the value down.

  3. Cos we're special and not **** licks like the rest of Europe!

    we're unique so is our currency!

    yeah boy !


  4. UK should stay £ watch this to see why

  5. The reasons are simple. The UK is an island nation and should never have joined the European Union. As soon as it began to move away from being a trade association of countries, we should have pulled out. We went decimal in 1972 to fit in with the EU and were robbed. This, in my opinion was a pre-cursor to becoming a single currency Federal Europe run by foreigners.

    The following are personal views and may well upset some people. So read on at your own risk.

    The reasons why other European countries want us in a Federal Europe with a single currency, removing our sovereignty and making us nothing more than a state of United Europe are-

    The French hate us because for 1,000 years when we weren’t at war and beating them, we were saving them from someone else, usually the Germans…

    Who hate us because like the French, we have been beating them in war for 1,000 years. I never understood Neo Nazi’s claiming to be the master race- how many times do you need to be defeated before you realise you just ain’t?

    Ditto the Spanish and Italians.

    These nations are the leading figures in Europe and I honestly believe there is a hidden agenda and they would dearly love to see the Great British race subservient to their ruling elite. They couldn’t do it by force of arms, despite at various times in history a Protestant Britain standing alone against a Catholic Europe. So they are trying to do it in the name of a European Europe.

    I think we should go back to £SD (pounds shillings and pence for the youngsters), yards, feet and inches, stones, pounds, and ounces. I remember discussing the decimal system in my local pub in Birmingham in the 1970’s. A comment made about the advent of the decimal system I always remember “All because the French can’t count to twelve.”

    I rest my case.

  6. apart from anything the pound is particularly strong right now. it has always (i think) since its introduction been the currency with the highest market value for one unit of measurement (e.g. £1 will buy more than $1/€1

  7. The UK has had a single currency since political union in 1707. It was thought that as the UK had became a new multi national statPoundmpriswasof 4 different countries a single currency would promote greater economic conditions for all. To a large extent the single currency did promote a stronger economy for all, while the multi national state forged on with a single currency and increased political union all consituent parts managed to maintain the seperate systems of law and seperate cultural identities; unfortunately this fact is greatly ignored by the little englanders who detest the natural development of a pan european currency and increased European cooperation, The UK experience since 1707 has shown that you can have economic and political ties hile retaining your identity. A single European Identity and currency would allow us to take a place alonside the USA, Russia and China in the political and economic league  

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