
What is the reason for calling the American Dollar a "Buck"?

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What is the reason for calling the American Dollar a "Buck"?




  1. Cash money was scarce on the frontiers of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kentucky, so it was common for deerskins to be used in lieu of cash.  Hence a buck's skin (buck) was good for a dollar.

  2. omg i totally know this one (thank you michigan state natural history museum)

    because at one time the buck was worth a dollar so they would say gimme the buck and thus a new slang term for dollar was born!

  3. They gave the answer to this on "Something for the Weekend"

    Related to the value of a deer (Buck) skin

  4. "Meaning of 'dollar' is 1856, Amer.Eng., perhaps an abbreviation of buckskin, a unit of trade among Indians and Europeans in frontier days, attested in this sense from 1748".

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