
What is the reason for continuous hick-ups? What can you use as a home remedy for this?

by Guest64513  |  earlier

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the doctor said he can get a stroke but the injection he gave didn't work




  1. My seven year old daughter has suffered with hiccups since birth (not continuously), and my doctor prescribed a tablespoon of strong vinegar.  (He didn't want to put her on medication).  When you swallow the vinegar you immediately take a deep breath, helping to stop the hickups.  It tastes gross, but it seems to work for her.  And me, when I get them.

    Unfortunately I don't know what causes the hiccups, but know that it causes my daughter a lot of discomfort.

  2. Half a teaspoonful of lemon juice on the tongue.

  3. From what I learned in acupressure, it appears that hiccups are caused by something cold e.g. drinking or eating something extremely cold. This cold makes the region of your sternum spasms.

    *One remedy would be to ingest something warm/hot e.g. warm broth, tea,water, etc..  

    *One other thing that really, really works without fail is to startle the person e.g.  shouting a big loud "Boo" behing his back, closing a door very loudly, popping a paper bag, slap him (if everything else fails ...of course). The loud noise takes him by surprise and makes him stop his breathing and... stops the hiccups. Some people may not appreciate this last technique so I only do this to people who know me and know how I cure this.

    *One other technique is to hold your breath for as long as you can.

    No 2 is my favourite because it seems to be the most effective solution. Haven't tried the vinegar yet. Will keep this in mind too.

    Hope this helps.

  4. try these they include holding your breath, induced sneezing, breathing into a bag, drinking water while covering your ears, pulling your tongue, pressing on the eyeballs, sudden fright, or--this is interesting--eating dry granulated sugar. Merely drinking water, if done soon enough, may work by washing down a glob of food in your throat

    check this site for loads of health tips

  5. I've heard a teaspoon of peanut butter will stop them.

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