
What is the reason for life if we are all going to die?

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from the time that we are born we all are on our way to the grave, so why the h**l are we here?




  1. To reproduce and survive in the world? i honestly don't know, probably an accident more than anything.

    (edit) to sri that actually inspired me xD

  2. That's an answer I've been looking for since I first tried suicide.

    What I have came up with is, it is something to keep us occupied for a few years while we live in h**l during school, and have **** jobs, and the ones who get rich and think they are happy, its all a bunch of lies, no one is really happy, there is no such thing as emotions, life is just another word we came up with.

    Exactly why I want to end mine.

  3. you're not looking at the bigger picture. It's not about living and dying, it's about... know? Being. Then, to find out what's next.

  4. Yeah Whats the reason for life you ask: and we all are going to die. So we are here anyway so live the life to the fullest. By saying fullest i don't mean indulge in lot of sensory indulgences. Try to be a best son, brother, husband/wife, friend etc. Help every one and try not to hurt anyone. Remember search for your strong points hone your special skills - believe my there is something special in everybody. Don't try to be just like a coke bottle cap, which are available in millions every where. Try to stand out of the crowd and let the people have fond memories about you and say "boy what a person! Thats the reason for life.

  5. Everyone has a purpose in life. To fulfill what they were put on earth for. Every person has a task, whether it be to brighten someone's day, become a doctor, become a parent... we're all put here for a reason. And even though we might not know the reason know, we will know once it's time for us to go.

    Be happy with what you are given, because there are plenty more out there who have it worse than you may have. Just live life to the fullest and go out there and be a good person. You wouldn't want to end your life too soon and never fulfill your mission.

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