
What is the reason for men to be more habitual cheat's and unfaithfull in relationships?

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Women so most of us think DON'T cheat as often as men!!

are men better at hiding things than women?

or do women keep better secrets?




  1. Could be because thier brains are in thier trousers

  2. Oh god are we not off that yet,women are as bad as men.

  3. its not our fault..its our evil penises..I am telling you the thing has a mind of its own..and its not a one woman kind of thing..and then there is the nuggets..they are just as evil as well..they tell the p***s dont worry we wont get caught..and if she doesnt mean any thing to only gets worst if the nuggets are large..sort of like my own nuggets..thanks..I love your pic..see what I mean..we are total pigs..

  4. Well, if men are being unfaithful, they must be being unfaithful with someone, so who is it if is isn't other women?

  5. its because men don't usually connect being pyhsical with any emotions.. and most women do..

  6. Whoa baby you been burned recently, talk to your boyfriend not strangers, or better still sleep with his best friend and tell every1 the friend was better,

    vengeance will be mine says the lady

  7. Its called having a p***s my dear girl its much easier to zip up then put your pantie hose back on when the partner is at the door ;-)

  8. higher tesosterone...higher s*x drive

  9. Wow, I hope English is not your native language, because I do not understand this question.

  10. could be women dont remember their place in life

    only joking  

  11. Surely it takes 2 to form an illicit relationship so both are at fault

  12. I think women cheat as often as men.  

    And as far as I can tell, men are just as good at keeping secrets.  In fact, I reckon women are more likely to tell their friends if they cheat, whereas men are more likely to keep quiet about it.

  13. when a man has s*x with 3 women

    that is a 3 to 1 ratio, so there is more women sleeping around!


  14. Women are proven to be better liars than men but this doesnt mean they cheat as nuch as men.  Women are just more commited than some  men.

  15. Women cheat as often as men.

    The difference is most women are looking for something they are not getting in their relationship and are unhappy.

    Men are just being greedy or looking for an cop out.

    Women are far more devious by nature and better at covering their tracks.

    Men are a bit c**k sure and sloppy.

    Either way cheating is wrong.


  16. the girl community is soon going to take you to moon

  17. Deny deny deny, it works!

  18. This use to be the case because if you look at history, men have always been the one that strayed and it was excepted.

    Today, woman are just as much the culprits as men.

  19. I know many men who were single until thier 60ies and have been sleeping around all of thier live and the one thing they're all on the same page about is that "it takes two to tango"...

    This being said, I think women keep better secrets, and in this case it's very simple, men generally are stupid about cheating and always open thier big mouth to boast. But a good cheater, man or woman, rarely gets caught.

  20. Its a biological thing-

    Men wants to spread their seeds. It's cheap because just one shot, they give away millions and they don't have to hold the burden of bring a child into this world. 9 months and resources to bring them up. This makes it expensive so we tend to choose our sexual partners carefully to weight the cost and benefits. Therefore, Women usually think twice before sleeping with someone.

    Since the invention of condoms, I think things has changed. Women too,  are regular cheaters because they are free to do what they feel. However, we can still get pregnant, so we are more likely to think before we act.


  21. I think women just keep better secrets.  Unless all of these girls they are cheating with are single, there must be quite a few women cheating too.

  22. Something in the water, Me thinks. lol

    Don’t ever be fooled, women do it more, much more

  23. I can't really go beyond my own experience.

    My wife cheated, and tried to excuse herself for it.

    I never contemplated cheating: better to be a cuckold than a hypocrite.

    When her secrets came out, I got such a lot of drivel from her trying to somehow blame me for cheating.

    My view is that women cheat more, and they hide it better than men.

  24. Because man is created to think below the belt with one thing in mind,where as woman feels from the heart and mind.women are better when it comes to keeping secrets than men..  

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