
What is the reason for skin diseases on the rise nowadays?

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What is the reason for skin diseases on the rise nowadays?




  1. Global Warming and holes in the atmosphere. Global Warming keeps radiation in, and the holes that we are making in the atmosphere by using so many spacecrafts, are letting it in.

  2. Skin diseases is a pretty broad topic, but here are a few key points...

    There is less high level ozone, so will be a steady growth in the number of skin cancer cases.  Combine this with the sun worshiping that became prevalent in the 1960s (using baby oil and neck mirrors.. and there is no surprise.

    Increasing incidences of allergies also play a role.  The more scented stuff, weird proteins, and detergents we allow to sit on our skin day after day, the more likely we are to get diseases like eczema.

    The final component is nutritional.  The overall nutrition of Americans has declined significantly.  There are many minerals, vitamins, and fats that are required to maintain the skin.  Without these, it is just a question of time until the skin quality subsides.

  3. I think a lot of it is because generations of people didn't worry about the sun so didn't use sunscreen and stayed outside too long.

    Once skin cancers and the like became more prominent and everyone started freaking out about the sun, a lot of people went the complete opposite way and stayed indoors for too long or started going to tanning beds which are just as bad if done in bulk.

    You need sun to replenish nutrients in your body but not to the excesses that most people have gone in the past and that's where all the skin diseases are coming from.

    Lack of sun means your body is less likely to have the required amount of nutrients to heal after an infection which could lead to further problems.

    Too much sun means that the possibility of skin cancer due to burns or too much UV light is high.

    There are also a lot more scents and oils and perfumes in the world - whether natural of man made and a lot more things to be allergic to which can lead to rashes and skin diseases too.

  4. skin diseases are caused because of so many people tanning in the sun because they think you don't look right if your not tan. But more people are getting skin cancer because of the bronzers and self tan products. its putting chemicals on your skin and its being absorbed into your blood stream. and poisoning you. its ok to get a fake tan every one in a while but some people are at the salon every week. hope it helps

  5. a bunch of dumb people in the sun without sunscreen

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