
What is the reason that English National Team is not good?

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One major thing is that the English media is first of all blinded by their biased opinions and that makes the team overrated and the players overrated as well. Do you think Lampard, Rooney, Terry or even Gerrard are as good as the media tells you they are? If they were then how come they didn't lead their team to qualify for Euro 08?

Other thing is that they don't have the heart. They all are 110% focused on their club football that when it comes to internationals, they really don't care about it.




  1. This question again? Who cares?

  2. One of the reasons the Enland National team is no good is because all of them are amazing footballers. Saying this i mean they don't want to pass the ball they all want to dribble on their own, score and have the whole country support them. Unfortunatly it never works like that so you get an england football squad disaster. Other factors might be the media they never get of the players backs and cause a lot of pressure for the manager and players. Also some people say WAGS (wives and girlfriends) distract the players during tournaments so they now have been banned from the training grounds. Hopefully Capello will whip them into shape and win the 2010 world cup!

  3. maybe all they need is a good coach, focus on training and work up a chemistry. spain's newfound confidence took a long time coming, but it did. it will happen for england as well.  

  4. Lack OF Beckham-ness ;)

    lol sorru culdnt resist

    the thing is the english clubs have more foreign players than english players, thus lack of ENGLISH players for the international team. the 6+5 rule should be introduced if the English team want to have any chance of getting any good players in the coming years.. i mean can you name ANY good YOUNG english plyers? no.. cuz there arent many!

    more english players should be encouraged to play in the premiership!

  5. they r not overrated jus tat when it comes 2 international football they r 2 tired n not everybody can take a break when they like like david bentley, so u cant say tat they think internationals r unimportant... plus i think wat they nd is a gd leader, 1 tat motivates them 2 do better in their matches, also they r from england so they would naturally want 2 make their country proud so they hav e heart..

  6. To be honest, I think their players are just not that good. Of course we all know their names and have seen them with their clubs, but would you really start any of those guys over anyone on the Spanish, Argentinian, Brazilian or Italian teams? If you're honest, the answer is no. Just because the English media say you're great, it doesn't make it so. Right now the English are like the Swedes - you don't take them lightly, but they're in no contention for any trophies.

  7. looking at the players playing for their clubs Rooney, Gerrard and Lampard. They are used to playing with their clubs so when it comes to internationals they're not used to playing with each other together so the chemistry isn't there. It will never happen but if we want the national squad to be good then the international team would have to be separate to club football and just play internationals.

    I also think Sven G Erricson shouldn't have been released, at least he got us to the quarter finals of tornaments. We were expecting too much when we got rid of him because England just arn't good enough to beat teams like Brazil, Argentina, Croatia and Spain.

  8. they cant work together as simple as dat

  9. I don't think it's media and the heart. It's their coaching style. They prefer work-rate rather than skills. That's why no English player had won the FIFA World Player of the Year award because of the lack of skill on their game.  

  10. What have Belgium ever won?

    Hercule Pillocke!

  11. Actually Rooney is the only good hard working player I find. Terry is cool too.

    Owen was good too, but he's too injury prone.

    Bentley is nice, and can be better. Beckham is one class player they have.

    All other players are just mediocre. For Gerrard and Lampard, its "If you get the ball, shoot"

  12. sorry, but I think that Gerrard & co. are very good players, and they didn't have qualify for euro because goal keeper fu(ked the things.LOL

    but I agree with that part with focusing on clubs, that's true:)

  13. Iv had my simple say on this but I believe their players are not much worse than the ones Italy had for the WC we won in 2006. One big difference is the mentality, passion and drive they put in their game. they lack what even Scotland has in abundance and that is resultant in c**p performances.

  14. It's because english football is all about the clubs

    our clubs are the best in the world and so we've let our international team go to ruins

    also some of the good players that made us the seventh best team in the world five years ago have retired or got mediocre, i.e, scholesy, beckham, owen, hesky

    and then the players can't work together, in centre midfield you'd think lamps and gerrard would be the best central midfield in the world but they dont support each other and cant play together properly

    also i think the pride of wearing the england shirt has been undermined

    and the players arent as commited to their country as to their club

    i dont think the foreign players in the premiership are to blame, afterall italy won the world cup but their league champions inter didnt have one italian player in the squad

    and then theres the fact weve had a host of mediocre or plain rubbish managers in the past ten years, i mean what was the fa thinking hiring mcclaren when he couldnt even do well for boro?

    even though cappello is a top coach im afraid i dont see this changing

  15. u are right

    the reasons why english team is not doing good is the same as the reason why players don't focus at the internationals.

    in a club players get money, fame and future.

    but wht do they get in a national team? nothign actually.

    they don't get enough money, they don't see any future and they don't get fame.

    another reason maybe the lack of practice matches.  i mean, a bunch of players who haven't played with each other for a year or so, just rock up and start playing. that doesn't work as different clubs have different playing style.

    so u cannot hope some players who haven't practised as a team win major games. football is a team game not a one man show.

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