
What is the reason the Marines respect the ACLU so much?

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Every Marine I meet is a member.




  1. obviously you don't know very many Marines. Most wouldn't even join.

  2. Well, I'm a retired First Sergeant and have been a card-carrying member for many years.  

    I guess it's pretty simple though.  The avowed intent of the ACLU is the protection of our rights under The Constitution.  While some of the cases they take on seem to fly in the face of logic, if they take something on they do have a Constitutional basis for defending the individual or group involved.  And in cases where they lose, at least we now have the backing of a court ruling that The Constitutional protections do not apply in that or similar situations.

    By comparison, every military member takes an oath that in part states that "I will support and defend (or preserve, protect and defend) The Constitution of the United States of America..."

    The goals therefore are not at all at odds with each others, either individually or institutionally.

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