
What is the reason we went to WAR with Iraq for and why hasn't Bush apologized for lying about WMD's.?

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What is the reason we went to WAR with Iraq for and why hasn't Bush apologized for lying about WMD's.?




  1. Iraq had WMD's, they used them on more than one occasion. That is a fact, its not disputable because its has been verified on many occasions by all side of the political spectrum.

    Just because the phrase " Bush Lied, People Died" has a ring to it doesn't men its true.

    Further more, open a dictionary some day and read the definition of the verb LIE.

    then engage what little brains you might have and tell me if you still think he lied.

    I am not a fan of this administration but I can at least look at things with my brain engaged. I don't have to agree with something to understand it.

    Iraq did have WMD's, they demonstrated a willingness to use them and given that fact nobody lied about them.

    So why did we go to war with Iraq?

    I think it was done in order to show the entire Muslim world that we were able to destroy the largest army they had with little effort. Had the US just done that, if we just blew them to h**l and never set foot on ground then we would have done something. But rebuilding was  and is a massive mistake. We should have just destroyed their bridges, cities, farms, power plants, anything that radiates radio waves or produced heat should have been reduced to dust. we could have used the country to dispose of old surplus ordinance. Then rape them for every drop of oil.

    BTW thats what war really is, not this friendly charade we are playing.

  2. 1. Oil.

    2. Israel.

    3. To settle a Bush family grudge against Saddam Hussein.

    4. To act as a launchpad for invading other oil rich countries like Iran etc.

    5. To dominate the Middle East.

    6. Saddam was planning to switch trading his oil from US dollars to the more lucrative Euro.

  3. So the 550 tons that Plane didn't exist is now in Canada.

    It wasn't all about WMD's

    He was supporting terrorism.

    The explosive expert from the WTC bombing fled to Iraq.

    The terrorist master mind beyond the killing of Klingoffer was found in Iraq.

    Iraq also was in violation of UN resolutions.

    This is an old dead horse time to give it up.

  4. We went to war with Iraq because we thought they had WMDs.

    Which by the way is completely ******* ridiculous considering AMERICA has more WMDs than ANY OTHER COUNTRY. We've disarmed a lot, but we're keeping most of them "just in case".

    So I don't know where we get the justification to sit here, on our giant pile of nukes, and shake our fingers at every other country in the world for having them too.

  5. Because that what his "intel told him"

    Who is this "intel they speak of"

    The CIA...the people who answer to the president??

    Why hasnt bush apologized for...



    Stealing the 2000 election!

    I know, because he is an insider who only looks out for his best interests, daddy's and buddies!

  6. Bush did not lie,

  7. So according to many on this post, we went to war coz of bad intelligence! Right!? ...So its nobodies fault coz were incompetent! Right!?

    Give me a break!!! Are you kidding me!

    Stop watching FOX news!!! You are brained washed!!!

    Thats like The State telling a widow and kids, we gave your husband/father the death sentence coz of the p**s poor work of our detectives and then expect her not to sue for a "wrongful death"!!!!

    All forgiven... Its ok! Wow!

    Simply idiotic!

  8. Because he didn't lie. It was bad intelligence. Most of congress, including many democrats said something had to be done about Saddam and his "weapons of mass destruction" A lot of other countries agreed. So if Bush needs to apologize, so do ALL of the people in congress at the time who supported the war. And I guess we need to get all of the other countries that at the time supported the war

  9. Bush did not lie - Bad intelligence, how gullible can people be!

    Blaming intelligence or intelligent services is appalling & the lowest of the lowest Bush can sink (and he has sunk very low). So did CIA tell Bush & cronies to use only 3rd of intelligence, s*x it up so to make it look like a dire threat!

    CIA was unanimous telling Bush/Cheney & Co that their is no immediate threat, Saddam might have WMD's but NOT the capabilities suggested, he certainly doesn't have a NW & most importantly THERE IS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN SADDAM AND 9/11 - it was everywhere in the British media at that time citing CIA. Believe me very soon we'll see people from intelligence communities coming out against the Bush & cronies, and how they were pressured & sucked into lying for Bush & cronies.

    Fact is there was a plan to attack Iraq even before 9/11, there are documents with OIL fields and with the names of which companies will get which contracts. One such document is in the hands of former treasury secretary Paul O'Neill, which proves beyond doubt there was a plan to attack Iraq even before 9/11. Now Bush is pushing through Iraq OIL law and top US OIL companies are about to get the contracts. Bush administration had to go to court to stop the release of these documents.

    So what's the difference?

    ~ 2003 Dec 16, Bush to Diane Sawyer, as she presses about the administration's verbiage about Iraqi WMD vs. the fact none were used or found

    ▬ "Rumsfeld was saying that we needed to bomb Iraq," Clarke said to Stahl. "And we all said ... no, no. Al-Qaeda is in Afghanistan. We need to bomb Afghanistan. And Rumsfeld said there aren't any good targets in Afghanistan. And there are lots of good targets in Iraq. I said, 'Well, there are lots of good targets in lots of places, but Iraq had nothing to do with it.

    ▬ "The president dragged me into a room with a couple of other people, shut the door, and said, 'I want you to find whether Iraq did this.' Now he never said, 'Make it up.' But the entire conversation left me in absolutely no doubt that George Bush wanted me to come back with a report that said Iraq did this.

    (Richard Clarke), Adviser to Reagen, Bush Snr, Clinton & Bush.

  10. I am a Democrat. I was against the war from day one and still think we need to get out. I can't stand Bush and voted against him both times. However, my allegiance to the truth is more important than my allegiance to my political ideology. So, I must point to the fact that Bush did not lie. You can make a case that he "exaggerated" and "over-sold" the whole WMD case for invading Iraq. You can certainly argue that he likely had other motives. But the fact remains that the all of the intelligence agencies around the world thought that Sadam was trying to build a nuke as far back as 1995. Bill Clinton new about this intelligence and has spoken about it often. In addition, we gave Saddam chemical weapons in the early 1980's along with the technology to make them. I think anyone would know that Saddam is not the kind of dictator that is just going to hand over all his nerve gas to UN weapons inspectors.

    Anyway, as it turns out, Saddam wasn't trying to build a bomb and the chemical weapons were either destroyed or shipped to Syria before the invasion.

    So, suffice to say, there was reasonable suspicion that Iraq had WMD's. What is lacking is any credible evidence that Saddam had a relationship with Al Qaeda. Bin Laden hated Saddam and visa versa. The two had not previously collaborated on any terrorist activity and Saddam was very untrusting of Al Qaeda because he thought they would assassinate him if they had the chance.

    What Bush did do, was grossly misrepresent Al Qaeda’s number 2 guy, Sheik Muhammad’s visit to Iraq 8 years ago. No one really knew why he was there and still don't. It obviously wasn't for WMD's because Al Qaeda would've used them by now if they had got any. Bush also used the faulty intelligence that Nigeria bought enriched Uranium on the black market and that it likely came from Iraq. It is rumored that he knew that this intelligence was unreliable, but decided to use it anyway to make a case for war.

    I hope this information enlightened you.

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