
What is the recipe for "A Banh Xeo" (Vietnamese food)?

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I wanted to try this recipe. Isn't hard? it doesn't seems too hard to make, not at all (just wonder).

Anyway, Thank you so much! o.O Cam on!! lol :P




  1. They are Vietnamese Crepes. Be patient when making them, lol. Good luck and Happy Eating!


    1/2 lb boneless pork loin

    20 medium shrimp

    10 fresh cilantro stem

    10 fresh basil sprig

    10 fresh mint sprig

    2 cups rice flour

    1/2 cup self-rising flour

    2 1/2 cups water

    1 cup coconut milk

    1/2 teaspoon curry powder

    1 teaspoon sugar

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1 green onion, chopped

    1 medium onion, coarsely chopped

    3 cups bean sprout

    5 tablespoons oil

    nuoc cham sauce (1 batch; recipe ID #25375)

    red leaf lettuce


    1)Place pork loin in a saucepan; cover with water and bring to a boil over medium heat; simmer until cooked through, about 20 minutes.

    2)Allow pork to cool, then julienne into strips.

    3)Shell and devein shrimp; slice each one in half lengthwise.

    4)Rinse herbs and drain; set aside.

    5)In a mixing bowl, prepare batter by mixing rice flour, self-rising flour, water, coconut milk, curry powder, sugar, salt, and green onion until smooth.

    6)Divide pork, shrimp, onion, and bean sprouts into 5 separate little piles for easy access during cooking.

    7)Heat 1 tbsp oil in non-stick frying pan until hot; cook pork shrimp and onion until it starts to sizzle; add 1/2 cup of batter and swirl to cover pan and get batter underneath.

    8)Place one pile of bean sprouts towards the center of the crepe, then cover the pan tightly.

    9)Turn the heat down to medium and cook for 2-3 minutes, then uncover and loosen edges of crepe and fold over with a spatula to form an omelette.

    10)Transfer the crepe to a serving platter.

    11)Repeat process with rest of batter.

    12)Do not cover the cooked crepes or stack them (they will lose their crispness- they should remain light and airy).

    13)To serve, place one crepe on a plate with some lettuce leaves, herbs also with a small bowl of nuoc cham.

    14)The person cuts a portion of crepe, wraps it in a leaf of lettuce with some herbs, and dips it in the sauce.

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