
What is the recommended action when trolls impersonate an innocent person?

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What is the recommended action when trolls impersonate an innocent person?




  1. RAMO-- Report and move on.  I have a feeling that this one's been reported, but that Yahoo is taking the day off.

  2. Report, don't answer and get on with life. All we can do.  

  3. I think the best thing is to let her waste her 10 points and just no one answer, and report it each and every time !  What if we posted a question over in Yahoo Products or whatever ?  No, I'm sure they would say what we have already said . . .ignore or report !

  4. Push the ignore button

  5. Sad this happens!

  6. yes ignore it. are you talking about peopie because that the truth

  7. Report it and do not answer it.

    Unless of course the report is slanderous against you, which is a federal offense, Defemation of Character in a court of law even if on the internet, and a fraud. As for me I am considering all three options as some people just continue to slander me while inpersonating me and also while answering questions.

  8. Unfortunately,user names are not yours to own .

    As far as I'm aware It would seem anyone can call themselves whoever they like,even if it duplicates other users. If in doubt,check the profile,the 'troll's' are usually first day usernames.

  9. Report them. I can't believe that question is still up. It won't be for long!

    EDIT: Reporting the question isn't a case of censorship. Impersonating someone is illegal. Even if it takes place on an internet forum it is still fraud and a federal offense. Insulting another member on Y!A is also against the community guidelines. I would just like to note that this kind of behaviour is only seen on the Seniors section and by tolerating it you are making things worse.

  10. Report them as soon as possible, but do not answer the question

  11. If I interpret what you are asking is a reference to "a demon pretends it is not guilty" then I recommend you ignore it.

    You are qualifying the action by recognizing it.

    Life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it. Don't put any undo stress on your life w/ negative reactions.

    Is it just me or am I detecting a little over reaction f/ some of the answerers? There isn't any vulgarity in the question ... not even any innuendo in a profane sense. Granted, the question reflects an "attitude" but I see this all the time.

    This is America ... I want as little censoring as possible. I prefer to give ppl the benefit of the doubt.

    We shouldn't fault this person because they may lack the communication skills to express them self in a manner that pleases all of us.


    Folks, let us not forget this forum is NOT a real time presentation. Often times the question asked poses questions in OUR minds. It's up to us to give the original question credibility when it is subject to interpretation.

  12. Why give thought to one troll when you have all these other nice people giving you answers. =)

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