
What is the recommended frequency that one shold take a shower or bath?

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What is the recommended frequency that one shold take a shower or bath?




  1. Twice a day seems to be the norm. And make sure you use soap......

  2. Daily

  3. when you start to make crunchy noises as you walk

  4. Hopefully daily.

  5. the recommended frequency is every other day, which is why we use deodorant. and when we do shower its best to do it at night.

  6. i do once a day.

    but with hair you can usually go every other day.

  7. save water! save the earth !  

  8. I Shower For About 40 Minutes To An Hour

    But Most Of The Times iDo Somethin To Make It More Relaxin ;)


  9. at least once a day

    you can go every other day without washing your hair but not ur bod

  10. Winters at least once aday

    Summer twice aday

    Rest depends if u r sweaty, smellin, want to relax, n so on n on. Different ppl hve different reasons on how many times one shud take shower

  11. I shower daily, however, every 2 days seems fine. If you smell or something then wash yourself everyday but not your hair because washing your hair too much drys it out.

  12. I'm going with...*drum roll*...


  13. Once a day. But in this dang summer heat I'm taking showers twice a day, ice cold.

  14. one a day but it depends on your country and climate

    because i live in Australia in summer often i will shower twice a day especially if im going out that night

  15. yearly

  16. I'd say atleast once per day ur hair maybe everyotherday but to me it gets kinda itchy so I wash that everday too if u take one every 2 days I guess its fine too but more than that is just kind of nasty  

  17. Every day if you have oily skin .

    Every other day if you have dry skin.

    For normal skin everyday-ish in the summer and every other day in the winter.

    If you did a lot of dirty stuff that day then shower (like went to the gym, worked in a grimy place, swam in a public pool)

  18. twice a day ,, tempreture..not too hot, because it could cause bad acne and 3rd degree burns, not too cold because it can cause  certain parts of the body to shrivel (embarrassing if your entertaining a lady).and not to mention  hypothermia ( a few days in hospital/ maybe death if you can't feel your shriveled bits). May i recommend warm.

  19. actually, it goes by country. America, once per day. Europe, every other day. But if you smell, twice a day. LOL!

  20. I shower once a day. Twice if I need to. But then again, I've heard of people showering every other day. I've heard of people showering 4 times a day. And this next one is kind of disgusting, but I've also heard of people showering only once a week.

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