
What is the red flag with the blue cross with stars init that americans have mostly on there clothes bikini's

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what is the red flag with the blue cross with stars init that americans have mostly on there clothes bikini's etc ps looks like scottish flag




  1. The  flag  in  question  is  the  13  southern  states  that  was  apossed  to  the  freedom  of  slaves  which  was  made  legal  through  Abraham  Lincon . So  started  the  civil  war  1860-1865  and  because  the  13  states  wouldn't  abide  to  any  LAW  changes  through  these  years  they  was  given  the  name  REBAL  A.K.A  Johny  Reb .       If  your  interested  in  owning  1  they  can  be  purchesed  over  here  (in  the  U.K)   ;-)  ;-)   ;-)

  2. Have you ever seen "The Dukes of Hazard"?

    It's flag of the 'Yankee Rebels', General Lee etc.

    Look up the American civil war, and you'll get a comprehensive explanation of how it was devised, and what it means.

    Did you know that the USA flag 'Stars and Stripes'  or. "Old Glory" actually originated from the stained glass windows of Selby Abbey - North Yorkshire, England?

  3. The Confederate flag of the American rebels.

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