
What is the relation of greenhouse effect to global warming?

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i know what is their relationship but i need brief explantion..

please help...




  1. Some gases ("greenhouse gases") let sunlight in, which warms the Earth, and then block that heat from leaving. That's the "greenhouse effect", and it's a natural thing, mostly caused by water vapor.  It's like putting a blanket on the Earth.

    Man is making excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, mostly by burning fossil fuels. That causes the delicate natural balance to go out of whack and the Earth warms. That's global warming.

    It won't be a Hollywood movie style disaster. Gradually coastal areas will flood and agriculture will be damaged. But it will be very bad. Rich countries will cope, but it will take huge amounts of money. In poor countries many people will die of starvation, but not all of them.

  2. As more CO² and methane gas becomes is pumped in the atmosphere by human industry, more of the sun's heat is retained by the Earth resulting in a wide variety of effects, the most noticeable being the melting of the polar caps and glaciers. The increase in liquid water disrupts the balance under which humanity has lived for several thousand years. In short, the weather patterns we have always known and banked on will no longer be the same--we're moving into unknown territory.

    One of the most common mistakes that people make is believing that worldwide temperatures will simply increase, and that we won't feel the effects for another several hundred years. Wrong! The effects on the Earth are occuring at this very moment, and they're going to increase in speed and tempo. That's why it's important to start changing the way we live right now.

    What, you ask? How about the drought in Georgia which has resulted in water rationing? The death of coral reefs in oceans around the world; the disappearance of honeybees; mountains losing snowpack; algae increasing in the oceans (in Finland!); urban supplies of tap water becoming contaminated; forests drying out and becoming tinderboxes (California); and so on.

    The Earth is like a giant engine. It has patterns, speeds, can shake, and rattle, and if somebody tampers with its parts it can speed or slow down or simply fall apart. By fooling around with the air-fuel mixture we've changed the way it works. The question now is, do we take responsibility for our actions or do we wait for the inevitable breakdown and *then* try to fix the mess?

    Even the Auto Club (U.N.) has admitted that Climate Change is real, and needs to be addressed. But diehard neocons and their acolytes just can't accept the idea that there's a problem bigger than they are, so they dig in their heels and refuse to take action.

    It comes down to this: the motor isn't working right. We know what has to be done to fix it, and it can be done. So why wait? It's not as though we can just call AAA and order a new one!

  3. the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming is based upon the premise that greenhouse gases, primarily CO2, but some others also, is responsible for the warming trend the earth is supposedly undergoing. The theory goes on to state that the greenhouse gas increase is related to human activity, primarily burning of fossil fuels for electricity production and transportation.  The theory further states that if mankind can be coerced, either by high prices for the fuel oil or taxes on 'carbon' producing  activities, or both, that the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere can be made smaller, thereby lessening the warming trend, and 'saving' the earth, and all the plants and animals.  The exact mechanism of greenhouse gases increasing the temperature of the earth is a bit cloudy, he is why, there is a question as to which happens first, the warmer temperature, which has been shown to increase the ambient concentrations of greenhouse gases, or did the greenhouse gas increase, thus causing the increase in temperature...both have been shown to be possible in plausible models.  We all know the the main driver behind climate change on the earth is the sun-we also know that, through recorded history, that periods of warming and cooling have occurred in the not too distant past. So, we now have a small but vocal group who are pro-AGW-the problem is they have NO valid studies to support their position, so we have a lot of rhetoric, and very little research, a lot of 'opinion papers', spouting empirical, or sometimes 'corrected' data to support their tenuous position, but no real studies, double blind and peer reviewed...and of course, there is the more recent data, which seems to not support the AGW, it boils down to a matter of 'faith' to believe in AGW, faith in politicians like Pelosi, Gore, and B. Hussein Obama, and faith in 'scientists', most of whom are basically television pay your money, and take your choice...personally I don't even consider it a close call, AGW exists mainly in the imagination of the leftist/socialist/greenie/radical democrats who want any excuse to further their political agenda...good question, good luck.

  4. In a greenhouse, sun's heat enter's and some are trapped. Imagine the Earth as a big greenhouse. And more and more trappers (greenhouse gasses), thus Earth would be hotter (since more heat are trapped), and that is global warming!  

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