
What is the relationship between Intelligence and Wisdom?

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  1. Intelligence is simply the capability to learn and adapt to your environment.  More intelligent people will be able to do so quickly... less intelligent, less quickly.  It is not simply a score on the WAIS (for adults) or WISC (for children).  These are efforts to measure intelligence (which can be its own heated topic).  Insofar as we have shared environments (e.g., schools, SATs, etc.), we will tend to regard the same set of things as being reflective of intelligence.  In the US, this is often taken for school performance, appearing confident, being able to speak persuasively, perhaps being able to use computers well, being good at math, etc.

    Wisdom is not something as straight-forward.  As far as I know, there is not a purported measure of "wisdom" - at least not one that is well-known and commonly accepted nor a commonly accepted definition.  So, I can't speak as intelligently about it.  But I offer that wisdom implies not just being adaptive in a certain environment or being able to solve certain problems, but a deeper understanding of the complexities of life born of intelligence but also experience.  I tend to think of intelligence as being adaptive in a situation (and being adaptive, generally, makes one intelligent), and wisdom as the thing acquired after encountering many situations and reflecting upon one's actions (mostly adaptive, but likely some failures as well).

  2. wisdom is having the intelligence to know that we will never be wise or intelligent enough to know

  3. Intelligence is the ability to learn facts and skills and apply them, especially when this ability is highly developed while wisdom is the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments based on personal knowledge and experience.

  4. Intelligence is ability to comprehend and profit from experience

    Wisdom is accumulated knowledge / common sense / insight and enlightenment

  5. Intelligence is intellectual capacity as measured by standard testing, such as the WISC. Wisdom is innate knowledge that is immeasurable. One can be very wise and not very intelligent, and one can be very intelligent and not at all wise.

  6. No wisdom is possible without intelligence. Sadly, many intelligent people do not seek wisdom.

    In fact, some misuse their intelligence and ruin others and themselves.

  7. wisdom is intuition - which is ability to know without reasoning

    intelligence is taught - and memorized from facts.  

    intelligence is learned from outside, wisdom is more innate  

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