
What is the relationship between asian ancestry and Scotland?

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Both my son and husband have Asian looking eyes. My husband is of Scottish heritage and someone once told us that there were invasions on Scotland a long time ago that explained thiese features. However, I have looked in the web and cannot find anything. Can someone illuminate me?




  1. What someone once told you, is not necessarily accurate. Obviously, the person gave you no source for that conclusion.

    You should be tracing your husband's actual ancestors, to be certain who they are.  Without some documentation, you cannot say that they have any Asian background at all.

  2. More on those epicanthic folds: In addition to being seen in Eastern and Southeastern Asians, they are also found in some Scandinavians.  The Norse, of course, "settled"/ "invaded" the counties of Sutherland, Inverness, and Caithness in Northern Scotland during the first quarter of the 9th century CE.  Viking warriors also sired children birthed by women in the Shetlands, Orkney, the Hebrides, the Isle of Mann, and the Western Islands.

  3. What your  husband and son have is an epicanthic fold.  It is of course, very common among the Asiatic  population, but can be found in Occidentals as well.  

    My sister has this fold and we are of Scandinavian, English and Scottish ancestry.

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