
What is the relationship between homework and effective note taking?

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What is the relationship between homework and effective note taking?




  1. Effective notes you have taken will help you on your homework and in exams.

  2. effective note taking= effective home work

    Note taking is like understanding and taking details at the stop of necessary things when in the presence of a source,

    this when effectively done, results in better knowledge in order to execute the home work with ease, effectively and with a greater understanding

  3. the better notes you take the better your homework because you have them to refer to.


  4. Well, when you take notes, that is the material of what you are learning for the day. When your teacher gives you homework, she gives you something related to your notes or related to what you have learned the specific day.

  5. Taking notes can certainly help with homework and remembering things for tests.  But, when taking notes, be sure you don't concentrate so much on the notes that you miss half of what the teacher says.  You don't have to write down every word the teacher says.  Especially if it is in the book.  There is no need to write down definitions of words and things like that if they are in a book.  Try just writing down key words, phrases, etc. in an outline.

  6. Ummm.... Homework is so we can learn more.......................................

  7. Erm...i dont take notes as i am too lazy...but,i think that taking notes is good as you will remember things better and when you forgot, you can always refer back.(and it is an good excuse when caught writing notes to friends in class)

  8. The relationship is relative to many variables that may or may not exist. That is, successful completion of your homewwork may or may not be affected by note taking. For example, If the homework is heavily based on in class lecture, then one can assume that note taking can only assist. However, homework based on outside research needs only the requirements of the assignment and your aptitude to be effective.

    Then your specific abilities come into play as well. For most of my scholastic years my memory was mostly photographic. I had the ability to take a mental snapshot of the chalkboard or a page in a book and then store it away like a polaroid and come back to it later when needed. Because of this I found excessive reading assignments and notetaking tedious and unnecessary. Though at the time I was not aware that all students could not do this. I did learn later on that some students learn in different "formats" (such as memorizing text) then the way I was used to learning. So the basic answer to your question is no one size fits all.

  9. home work are the assignments that have to be conducted when one is alone i.e without guidance, this is very good for kids since the parents can enjoy some free tym while the kid is working.

    effective note taking is when the teacher speaks and the pupil jots down the main points. these can then be used by him for writing proper notes for future reference

  10. homework anwers are correct with the right notes and it just another way to study in short

  11. I don't take notes, but I do ALL my homework before I do anything else.

  12. As a recent college graduate, I find that effective note taking in class helps you write a better, more accurate paper. It gives you more things to cite properly and refer back to when you are comparing research sources to what was discussed in class.

  13. Personally, I find that if the teacher or professor is truly effective, I do not need to take notes and I can do the homework without referring to a textbook.

  14. Effective notetaking can help, not only in reviews but also may as well as serve as your ultimate source of information in tackling assignments and problems which are given away by your teacher, since you notes should also cover whatever she says and teaches, whether it is in your textbooks or not, textbooks are however not dependable as there are changes in teaching plans, etc.

  15. After having taken classes at high school, under graduate and post graduate level, I would say there is no "golden" rule. It deeply depends on the teacher and the way his course and classes are organized.

    I am not a good note taker because I tend to write slow and have a hard time taking notes or copying from the black board and paying attention. So if the course tends to follow closely a text book, I much rather pay attention to the class and keep the book at hand to relate what's being taught to the pages and chapter and then trying to read them.

    In some cases, there is no text book and the teacher just copies his or her notes to the board and expects you to copy that (which I think is stupid because he/she could just hand out a copy). There's not much you can do then except copy.

    Sometimes teachers will just lecture and yap and yap about several topics in a somewhat random order. In these cases, it could be better to just pay attention and list the general topics and ideas and use that as a study guide for later. Preferably as soon as the class finishes you can sit down and organize your notes (which you may consider as your hw).

    Good luck.

  16. the better notes you take the easier it will be to study for the test and easier for homework if you need help. if it is a lot of notes try to condense them into smaller parts that are shorter and easier to read. if you don't know what a word means look it up in a thesaurus and look for smaller words that mean the same, you may have to use more than one word, though. just make sure that the point gets through to you is the main thing.

  17. taking notes help u answer homework problems....its simple

  18. Effective note taking means comprehending the subject at hand.

    You listen to the subject being taught. This is the first repitition phase of learning new material.

    You write notes effectively. In order to do so, you must understand and think about how you will write the material down. This is the second repition of learning new material.

    Third you get homework to demonstrate an understanding of the new material. This is the third repitition of learning new material.

    Repitition is very important to learning new things. Practice or repitition makes a new band a great band. It makes a rookie athlete an all-star.

    I mentioned three repititions in learning new material related to how you worded your question. Actually you are constantly thinking along the process and repeating new information more than three times.

    Here is a little known fact I read years ago and still remember: It takes the average human mind 26 repititions to permanently store new information.

    Now to the point and to answer your question directly. Increasing repitition with effective note taking and homework creates a stronger understanding of the material you are learning.

    I could have just wrote that last paragraph to answer your questions but I love writing, sorry to make this so long.

    Now I will add to my answer. Increasing your knowledge is a very powerful thing. It helps you to add to conversations, sound educated, write concepts, earn money, save money (example: If you can build a house or fix a house, or fix a car, or build a healthy body and stay away from the doctors, etc.)

    I learned how to do a complete brake job a few months ago and you would think I hit the lottery. I was so happy to pay $46 for parts, do the job myself, and save at least $160. Thats where the power of knowledge comes in.

  19. if u take good notes then you have a good reveiw to look back on when u try something u just learned in homework

    good notes are hard tho

  20. An effective nte taking will provide the basic information you will need to complete your homeworks satisfactorily.

  21. SQ3R method.....survey, question, read, write, report....

    follow the outline of the text and when you listen in class your notes should fit into text headings.  this will make you an "active" learner. If you do your homework, you will be better prepared to understand the material in class.

  22. The home work related with, the material which are teaching by teacher , that is a one way to train us to understand the materials and taking notes also train us to understand more about the subjects which are teaching by teacher.

  23. The better notes that you take, the easier time you will have doing your homework. This is a 4th grade type question.

  24. Effective note taking helps somewhat for some classes, and more for others.  For me the key is this:

    I take a recorder w me into classes that are more difficult and record that day's lesson.  

    The recorded lecture is a back-up system in case the notes I took don't seem to help enough w the related assignment.

  25. Taking notes from text, video or lecture is a good way to remember things that you would otherwise forget or ignore. However you want to be sure that your notes are organized and are neither to general (basic listing of topic) or to detailed (word for word from lecture or text). I've found through classes on study techniques that an outline system works best for me. for example I would do the following:

    I. Topic

    A)Sub-topic, such as an event, a key word, or a person

    1.definition, date or significance

    2.other information about this sub topic (sometimes you get 3 or 4 or even more little parts to know about a sub topic)

    B)Sub-topic, such as an event, a key word, or a person

    1.definition, date or significance

    And so on...

    I find that it helps me to organize my thoughts, as well as make connections between information such as this person was at this place on this date etc. Doing this makes homework easier as I am more able to remember things, and it makes it easier to look back on notes to find information if there is a question you are unsure of.

    Hope that helps.

  26. If you do you take good notes than most likely you will do well on homework and on tests.

  27. Homework is the work that you have learned in class.  Homework sees how much you learned, and you can study the problems that you have missed.  Effective note taking helps to get the homework done.  It can show you short cuts for a very difficult problem.  Notes are usually what make up the test.  So basically Notes help you study for the test, while the homework shows you different problems that would be on the test.

  28. The better notes you take gives you the advantage of studying for tests and to help you with your homework.  If you cannot take good notes for some reason, get to know someone who takes good notes and get copies of them on a regular basis.  Good notes can raise your grades from a C to a B or possibly an A.

  29. uuhhmm, whats the difference between living and breathing to breathe..

    sorry about spelling

  30. Note taking is when your learning something and taking notes so you don't forget the material the professor has covered.

    Homework is obviously work but can come in many different forms which can include questions/answers, opinions, outlines, etc.

    The relationship is that you need note taking to do homework but you also need homework to do note taking. This may sound confusing at first. Lets say you don't get a problem on your homework, so you can look through your notes and find the answers in a matter of seconds! Note taking needs homework because you need to comprehend on the material you just learned, so it sticks in your brain more and doesn't go out the other ear.


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