
What is the relationship between income and college attendance?

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What is the relationship between income and college attendance?




  1. This is a no-brainer.  The greater the income, the  greater the likelihood of sending one's children to college.  Then, after they graduate and get a good job, marry and have children, those kids will also go to college and get good jobs, etc.  And it goes on, and on, and on.

  2. it may have more to do with determination than money.  i guess if money, as in expensive material things, was something you thought you couldn't live without, that might be very motivating. i think if you never had a rolls(royce) you miss it less than someone that had one.  

  3. Probably none except the qualifications for FA.  Each school has different fees and accept on different terms. Some are money up front and others may provide payment plans. Check out the Admissions office and ask about FA and how to apply. Cost nothing to ask and fill out papers for admittance.  State schools are usually less expensive than private schools. Ask at the school and find out the details and costs. FA will depend on your parents income and a financial report such as a copy of their IRS filings.There is lots of help if you qualify financially .

  4. Doesnt seem to matter since low incomes get loans, scholarships in sports or need based scholarships but I do not have the stats. I was told that the 45 thousand tuition at a private university pays for the one child of the parent paying and also one free child on scholarship

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