
What is the relationship between sound pressure levels and damage to hearing?

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What is the relationship between sound pressure levels and damage to hearing?




  1. The SI unit for sound pressure is the pascal (symbol: Pa). Most measurements of audio equipment will be made relative to this level, meaning 1 pascal will equal 94 dB of sound pressure. Sound pressure level (SPL) or sound level Lp is a logarithmic measure of the rms sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference value. It is measured in decibel (dB).

    Hearing damage (due to short-term exposure) 20 Pa approx. 120 dB

    Threshold of pain 100 Pa 130 dB

  2. From personal experience, I would say that prolonged listening at figures of a higher level than 110 decibels are injurious, and should not be listened to for more than an hour at a time, these levels take place in discos, rock concerts and shooting ranges, mine was a problem with shooting ranges, and I have a 30% loss after some years of this kind of level.

    The recommendation of the industrial levels of factories say that hearing defenders must be  worn above 105 decibels, and rock stars have an ear defender that functions, by cutting all sound off, above a certain level, even sudden sounds, and it is worn "in ear" it is very good, but not for shooting large calibre weapons, with their sudden impact characteristics, you can actually see them in use in film of concerts if you look closely, they are not usually noticeable in use, they are a must, if you are regularly exposed, to this level of noise, as the only creatures that can repair ears, are birds, ( in another context, "don't forget the fact, you can't get it back"    "Eric Clapton "Cocaine"). It is not worth the loss of hearing your childrens voices, beleive me. "Get them, Wear them, Save them" . !!!

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