
What is the relationship between the ideological interpellation and the hegemony of the ruling elite?

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hi guys! does anybody know

what is the relationship between the ideological interpellation and

the hegemony of the ruling elite?

and if u please, can u site examples?

i find these questions very critical, and difficult. thanks.




  1. they propagate christianity that teaches poverty is gods method of punishing poor people for sin

    and rich people are gifted in gods eyes

    they keep people repressed by keeping us divided to fight amongst ourselves

    we swing between hating the govt and hating the elite

    they prefer us hating the govt

    also drugs are kept illegal because many of them cause greater sensitivity to the disparity between the rich and poor

  2. Um if oyu look at british coinage it has picture of the queen one side and defender of the faith on the other.

    the hegemony of the ruling elite seems always to have been

    god given. Bush said god told him personally to go to Iraq.

    In England the church and state are not separate - and Henry 8th did some nifty footwork to get a divorce.

    The ruling elite of  the Lords claim divine right - then there is  'droit de seigneur' law that the lord can rape any peasant woman he fancies.

    the ruling elite make the laws in Parliament to their own ends and as structures change minds the law of the land is  

    affected by self interest.

    I guess the biggest one is denyng the non property owning  classes and women a vote yet still maintaining that we lived in a democracy.

  3. I might be able to answer this question if I had the slightest clue what "hegemony" and "interpellation" meant!  lol!  Hold on, let me see if I can find the definitions....

    O.k. well...interpellation:  the way the elite "explains" their authority or dominance.

    Hegemony:  the subordinates willing concession to the ruling class.

    Hmm....Example...  Ancient Egypt:  Kings/royalty explained their right to rule as being divinely given and inspired, as well as a birthright.  The subordinates (people they ruled) conceded willingly to this form of rule because they believed that in so doing they were honoring their gods.  Honoring the gods they believed in "ensured" that their crops would not fail, they would continue to have fertility, and be prosperous.    These are directly related ideas because the ideology of the elite (in regards to their gods) kept those that were "beneath" them from rising up against them or rebelling.  It served a purpose:  dominance was accepted peacefully.

  4. kaklase siguro kita sa socio10 noh. haha

  5. Si olive, sure ako kaklase ko yan sa socio 10, she noticed the question eh.. :)

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