
What is the releationship between timetravel and infinity?

by Guest57753  |  earlier

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I want to understand the releastionship between them




  1. Infinity goes on's never ending.  

    Timetravel or i should say time is relative.  Meaning that it's relative to you and us on this planet and this particular time on the time line.  It is believed that time is infinite that if you travel far enough and fast enough you can go and forward in time b/c it's relative and goes on forever.  

    Like the Hubble telescope....they believe that the universe is circular.  The hubble telescope and telescopes like it can see far and deep into far and so deep that can see things that have happened millions of years ago...but because of how light travels (or time) through space it's just now hitting our galaxy.  So technically you could say it has been traveling through space for a million years (which is relative) to us in this time period...that's infinite.  

    It's difficult to wrap your mind have to study more about timetravel, space travel and the relativity of time.  Einstein's theory on the "relativity" of time should help you.  How explains time is're a passenger on a train.  you can see things pass outside your window.  you see a tree pass and then it the tree would be in the past, now you know the tree is still there and still blowing in the wind but just b/c you don't see it doesn't mean it's not blowing in the wind anymore....right.  Same with the know there's more trees coming up in the field but you can't see them until they are right in front of your window...but it doesn't mean the tree doesn't exsist b/c you can't see it or that it's not blowing in the wind b/c you haven't gotten to the point in your travels yet to see it blowing.  Get it.  So basically what he's saying is that the past is still happening and the future is still happening right's just that we all are on different plains of exsistence.  Ppl are living and breathing in the furture and past just like we are in this present.

  2. The first and last; signifies God's eternity

  3. They are both constantly speculated on.Mostly by people who don't know what they're talking about.My answer will be demonstrated shortly.

  4. the relationship between them is space

  5. Time travel has never been performed, so how could it be explained in the context of infinity?

  6. Timetravel (Impossible practically) is part of infinity but is quantified in terms of time. There is however no time range or timeline for infinity.

  7. You are asking whether there is a correlation between the cubic cubitts of apples in Tasmania and the temperature of the ladies loo in the eastern corner of the Empire State building - two existing things which don't impinge on eachother.

  8. There is no relationship between them.

    Infinity is a concept of time that no human being can even begin to comprehend basically encompassing all of time and having no end. It is not even theoretical science.

    Time travel is bound by both the dimension of time which is something human beings are just now starting to grasp an understanding of comparable to a 2 year old's understanding of physics - if I let go of the toy it will fall to the floor thanks to the work of theoretical physics and super string theory and the existence of measured time to date.

    Time travel is possible in theory (thus a theoretical science) as presented by Michio Kaku.


  9. May be infinity as a chain of moments? Then time travel is to be connected to a moment in future through this chain- stepping from past moment and going through the next/s and be in the future?

    I like very much Quantum theory and thats why I explain for myself f.e. how one can see what will happen in some future moment at a precised place.

  10. since the stars are moving apart .. we live in a temporal safe area, like the way you keep your goldfish tank

  11. Same as the difference between space travel and forever.

  12. there is no relationship between time travel and infinity.

    infinity only exists in mathematics, nothing can be physically infinite.

    time travel is just that, travelling through time.  you can only travel into the future and (as someone already said) you would do this by travelling very fast for a very long time.  the truth is that travelling at any speed slows down time relative to your universe but the speeds we can currently achieve have very little effect.

    do a google search for an experiment carried out using 2 atomic clocks some years ago, 1 on a plane and the other on a ship (i think), you'll find the results interesting i'm sure.

  13. depends on where you are time traveling to.....if you are traveling on earth then you would only be able to go back 4.6 Billion years ago, where with infinity you could go beyond that.

  14. Simple. It's also called "porch lag," which is the time it takes for company to says goodbye on your porch and then actually leave at that time, especially when granddad is caught up in one of his "I remember when" stories. Some say this is eternity, but it only seems like it.

  15. Well you can make a time paradox which goes on forever.

  16. time travel into the past is theoretically impossible.  the theory is that one would either have to SOMEHOW (we have absolutely no idea how to do this...) tear a rift in space-time, jump in, and HOPE that we end up in the past, somewhere near the earth, or go faster than light.

    time travel into the future is possible, but only indirectly.  one would have to travel extremely fast for a long period of time.  this would cause you to experience time dilation, making time slow down for you.  you aren't really traveling into the future, but time slows down for you.

    infinity is simple a mathematical subject, extending and extending beyond comprehension.  since time travel into the past is impossible, then the methods for doing so extend further and further beyond our ability to grasp the concept.  

    as far as a physical relationship, I think you picked two things that sounded cool and asked what would happen if you put them together.  I answered another question recently about if the power of absolute zero could overpower gravity.  it can't, and this question also has no relation.

  17. Both are impossible

  18. There is none

    Study calculus. Once one comes to grips with what infinity actually is (mathematically undefined)one discovers that we can't even prove that 1+1=2

    Time travel forward using high speeds(time dilation) gives the illusion of traveling forward.

    There exists models proposing time travel backwards,but you would be killed in the process, not to mention being very expensive.

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