
What is the reputation of Sharron Lush in Australia?

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She is called the queen of stains and here in NZ, callers queue to ask her advise and their gratitude is extreme, they call her an angel and "bow" to her majesty. That's before they have tried the suggestions of course. I believe she was on Australian radio for many years and wondered if others had bad experiences. She recently told me the methods I had used to remove a stain from an electric blanket (because her suggestions hadn't worked) had damaged the wires, that the stain was now rust, and that I had to throw the blanket - new and worth $400 -away. The host of the programme make nasty quips about me turning it into an electric chair. I had the blanket checked and was told by the manufacturers service dept that what Sharron and the host had said, was absolutely ridiculous. That it was perfectly safe. If I had taken Sharron's advise, which I nearly did out of fear, it would have been very costly.




  1. hmmm I've never heard of her either ....

  2. Ive also never heard of Sharon Lush. A google search dosen't come up with much about her so she can't be that famous.

  3. I've never heard of her...

  4. Her book on 'Speed Cleaning' sold well, and she's been on radio. But understand people were not impressed with the book once they'd read it.  Haven't heard much about her for a while now.

  5. I know that she has written a book about  removing stains from all sorts of things that has sold very well  here in Australia and I also know that she has the nickname "The Queen of Clean" but that's all I know. Just goes to show that you should take the advice of so called "experts" with a grain of salt and ask the manufacturer first.

  6. Yes I hear her all the time on ABC Radio.Just her voice was annoying enough for me!Sounds like she has hit NZ to cash in on one of her books.I have not heard her for a few months.She seems to be a very painful know it all,I'd like to shove her head into a barbwire fence,but she problem tell me all about it!

    I love it when one person asked her how to get a burn mark out of the polish on a table top.Her answer was ,something like rub it with steel wool and bees wax or something stupid like that.Being a cabinet maker myself,I thought you would need to strip it back and re polish,but what would I know????

    How to get red wine stain out of a carpet.Use cold water and an infa red lamp!!!Please spare me!

    Her Name is Shannon Lush and here is a link for you all

    More Shannon than you will ever want.

    Please kick her out of NZ before its too late,but don't send her here!

  7. I've never heard of her, here in Australia, and I'm sort of glad I haven't after what you've said.

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