
What is the requirements to change my surname and use my husband's surname?

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What is the requirements to change my surname and use my husband's surname?




  1. Depends where you live.  In Ontario, Canada, I just started using my husband's name after we were married.  I had to send off to get our marriage cert.  It took 6 months to come back.  Then I had to send photocopies or take in the original of our marriage cert. to the appropriate Ministry for my SIN, drivers lic, etc.  Once your drivers lic. is changed, it counts as a picec of i.d. and you can use that to help change your name on other documents.

    You can find all the answers on the Service Canada website listed below.

    Hope this was helpful, sorry if you are not Canadian.

  2. IN the US, you show your marriage license/certificate to the DMV to get a new license and then to the Social Security office to get a new card. Your name is now changed. I recommend you then send copies of the license/certificate to all banks and credit companies you have accounts with.

  3. I believe it's called marriage.

    My wife uses my surname and there are no problems.

  4. UK  answer.

    You get married and then immediately you become Mrs Husbands name, normally to change your documents over you just give the wedding date and your new name, The marriage certificate is issued on the day of marriage, because we still have the Banns system before marriage, (three weeks notification to the community, in church the Banns are read out, and in the register office the intention  to marry is on a notice board  for three weeks prior to the marriage).

    Hope this helps.

  5. i kept my surname!

  6. depends where you are, I mean which country you live in.

    I have a Portuguese passport, but i married a British citizen.

    I had to translate my marriage certificate and my husband's birth certificate in Portuguese and then take them to the Portugal to get my passport changed.

    It isn't as easy as it sounds.

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