
What is the retail price of Marlboro Cigarettes in US?

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I am working on an academic project. I want to find the average retail price of Marlboro Cigarettes in 50 states in US, preferably with a break-up of the base price, the federal taxes, state taxes and local taxes. Can anyone help me find it?




  1. Jeez, I haven't priced a pack of the Marlboro Man's fave coffin nails since they were 19 cents a pack in the base PX.

  2. $3.25-$9.00. Based on where you are in the US. Every US state has different taxes for cigarettes. I live in NC and there $3.85 (a year ago they were $2.75 in NC). But when I'm in New York City they were $8.25. Check out the links below for more detailed info on the cigarette tax by state, federal taxes, and cost average.

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