
What is the right age for girls to get married in today's times?

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What is the right age for girls to get married in today's times?




  1. well round here the age of women getting married/engages is like 20/21 but then again it would be different in upper class places  

  2. I would say there is no right age for a "woman" to get married.. I would say she should have a career, good salary and no debt!

  3. 25?

  4. whenever she feels that she is ready to get into married life and she feels that she is matured enough to handle all responsibilities and manage her personal and professional conforonts....

    I personally think that a girl should be atleast 24 yrs old and maximum 28 yrs of age to get married......marrying too late also has bad concequences....

  5. When the girl is old enough to not giggle when the topic of s*x is brought up.

  6. Well there is no standard right age. Marriage is always acceptable if she and her partner are 18 yrs or above. Anyone that gets married younger is looked down upon most of the time. Some people rush into marriage before they really know what they are doing and it isn't just young people who do that either. So basically that is all I can say. But you know, I am curious as to why you asked this.

  7. Today's girls are more ambitious towards her living standard so there is not perfect answer for it but generally I think marriage age is 20-22.

  8. IMO it's mid 20s and up for guys and gals. That gives them a few years to learn who they are as adults, and get on down their educational and/or career path.

  9. I think early to mid twenties is good. Young enough to grow into marriage, old enough to make a good decision. I find when people wait too long they become too set int heir ways and find it hard to be compatible with someone new in their lives. But when they get married too young they often marry the wrong person for the wrong reasons.

    Of course this varies from person to person, but any younger than 21 is almost always too young and older than 29 things can get difficult.

  10. 24 to 28 is the right time deponding on her education and body need

  11. Anytime over 25 would be fine for most people.  For some I would say 30.  It depends on how much time you want to spend having fun.

  12. 25 +

  13. It completely depends on the persons considering marriage, there is no set age.  Note, the lower end of the range is limited by law in may areas.

  14. when you are mature enough because you don't want to be married for a month then divorce the next month

  15. No younger then 35.

  16. Its not about age its about the person once you find a person who when yorr completly pissed at them you still want them near you and yyou still want to kis them once youve stormed out of the room that is some one oyul want to snatch up cuz trust me thats hard to find!!

  17. 24 years and more...........

  18. How can there be a right age? how long is a piece of string?

  19. 85

  20. when she is ready and responsible and can take care of the kids

  21. When she is mature and knows what it takes to handle a life long commitment.  After she is educated in school and life experiences.

    I will be 28 when I get married!  I never thought I would be near my 30's when I marry but I honestly think it is the best thing for me!  I have lived on my own and have experienced life.  I am so glad I waited and didn't get married to the first thing that came around.

  22. depends, some girls are different than others. having money is one thing but if you are mature enough then that is fine. I would say at least be out of high school.  

  23. I tell my kids 24 or 25 that way they at least have a major in college and a life plan. That is if they take a year or two off before going to college.  

  24. there is no right age to marry...

    if she enjoyed her life with a good carrer  

  25. hmm........

    by the rule of government of India, 18 is d standard age to get married....!

    bt i don't think so tat it is right..!

    1st complete d graduation, get gud job, n stand on ur feet, after tat a gal should be able to get married according to me.

    Besides this 26-28 is ok.

  26. I say there is no right age for a WOMEN to get married. But, I'd wait till you have yourself together. Finish school, get some life experience under your belt. Get a good paying job (career), after all you will need money.

    And if I were to give you an age probably mid-20's, 30's that is only if they have got themselves together. Otherwise nothing but a number, why rush life enjoy it.

  27. According to my mother, 18. But I think its much better to get married after an education or after you have at least finished high school. But if its the other way around like forced to get married because of a pregnancy, I sudgest any girl should married the father unless they don't remotely like each other.

  28. legally 18 years.but in my opinion 22,23 is best.

  29. what does age have to do with marriage. i mean as long as she is legal, shouldnt we be talking about love. when 2 people are in love and ready financially, emotionally and physically then they should get married if its what both parties want

  30. Hmm..i think that the right age for a women to get married is when they feel ready to commit themselves to one person their whole life and to somebody they truly love. They have to find the right guy too!!

  31. there is no right age, it's when your ready...

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