
What is the right age to live alone?

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What is the right age to live alone?




  1. One can live alone when he/she is financially sound and psychologically matured to manage the things.

  2. if your sensible no reason that 18 is the right answer to leave the nest although some are kicked out earlier!

  3. Whenever you feel ready to support yourself.

    There isn't a specific age. Someone above said 20, but what makes that age so special?

    I moved in my apartment when I was 18 with my boyfriend. I work 2 jobs, and he works as well. Thanks to a bit of help from my parents [who had saved some money aside] and scholarships, I am also attending college.

    We don't have any problems.

  4. When I was young, we couldn't wait to leave home at 16 or 17, but the trend now seems to be toward people living with their parents into their mid twenties or thirties - don't see the appeal, really.

  5. I moved out at 17. 3 days after graduating high school. BUT- I'm going to college out of state. So I live alone, but my parents and scholarships are paying for my education.

    I think you should live alone, after you are done with school and are able to pay your own bills.

  6. There is no 'right' age.   When a person feels ready, is comfortable with the idea and can afford the overheads.

  7. 20

  8. There is no right age to live alone,if you feel like you are old enough to live alone and responsible enough i mean financial wise then you can live alone.

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