
What is the right age to start shaving legs?

by Guest70  |  earlier

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My daughter is 12, she has hair on her legs. And of course she is so self-conscious about it she wants to shave. I really don't think it's necessary, she has legs but it's not bushy it's just hairy. She is really mad, and keeps telling me all her friends are shaving, but is she too young? Should I just let her, will it grow back thicker? Thank you. -Marty JEAN Baker




  1. Let her shave. I am 10 years old and i just started shaving. I have dark brown hair so my hairy legs are very noticeable.My sister showed me how and i do just fine. I had to beg my mom though because she thought I was too young,but one night I told her that all the kids at school called me monkey legs and made fun of me then she said okay. That was the happiest night of my life! :)

  2. Well i would say if she has hair on her legs than shave it. There is no to young age and if you really want to know when she starts growing armpit hair that is the right time.

  3. i'm 16 and i have never shaved my legs. it's not so bad since i barely have any , and it seems like i have none on my arms so yeah...i've asked my mom now and then, so far about 5 times, she said No to all hahaha. I don't know about people making fun of you if you don't shave, cuhs i've never been there. i guess my school is nice enough not to do that , or at least the people i hang out with. I dont know when my mom will let me, all i know is it's not going to be soon xD i get very tempted sometime ;D

  4. Why do you need to shave your Legs? it doesnt matter anyway!!! especially when u r a gurl!!?!

  5. I think you should let her shave her legs because it is very embarressing to have hairy legs, you never know when people are talking bad about you behind your back.I am 13 years old and my mom let me shave for the first time at 12. I used to get teased with coments like, "hey gorilla legs". I begged my mom to let me shave, but she said I was to young. It is her body and you should let her make her own decisions. It does not madder what her friends think, you are the mom(or dad), and you need to listen to yourself and whats right.

  6. I am 10 years old and about to start shaving this summer before school starts. I would suggest you let her use nair and i think you are holding her back in her life. My legs might be hairy then hers but just either try waxing or using nair.

  7. personily i think she should start to shave her legs. i started when i was 13 i had asked my mum a couple of times before and she said no i was to young then i asked her agen and explaned everything and she said she would by me a razor. i no someone and she wasnt bothred that she wasnt aloud to shave her legs then one day in school these other girls we saying to her look at them hairy bushes on your legs... i guess you wouldnt want your daughter to come home from school and finding out she is getting bullied because you wont let her shave her legs . thats my opion


  9. i dont shave, and i am 11. i keep beggging my mom to let me, but she says winter is soon! and also that it grows thicker. so, my mom isnt good enough advice. what do  u thnk i should do?

    im also on a swim team so its embarresing.

    in gym class im the only 1.

  10. Listen she is going to be upset if you say no.  I think that if she thinks she needs to shave then she should u might cause her to be upset and stuff so i'd just let her

  11. minimum age, should be atleast 16.
    your child, your rules.

    thats- the minimum age id set my children.

  12. i haven't started shaving my legs yet and i'm thirteen. my hairs are still fairly thin and not too noticeable and quite a light brown and i cant really see them at all on my thighs. and winter is coming so no need. i will start when i begin wearing my shorts again and i will wax, not shave. much better and my mum has told me all about it. leggings can be her friends in the spring. if you think she's ready thought, go for it. but my friends regret it. they have to shave every few days and it annoys them.

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