
What is the right age to start taking little boys to a Baseball game?

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Last Friday night I took my two grandsons to a baseball game. It was an exciting game. They are 6 and 4 years old. The 4 year old just couldn't get interested in the game at all. The 6 year old may have been distracted by the 4 year old's behavior. I don't know. We ended up leaving the game after only an hour or so of unpleasant time.

Do you think I could try again taking just the 6 year old? Do you think he is too young too? He was interested in the food while the 4 year old wasn't. Perhaps I could take him for a bit of game watching. Then when he gets tired of that buy him some food then leave when that gets boring to him?

I really enjoy baseball and want to instill this in my grandsons. I don't want to make going to the game a trial for them.

I read all answers. Thank you.




  1. I would try watching it on TV with them first, and only take them to a real game when they show interest in it as a sport.

  2. I think the 6 year old will probably do a lot better if you take him by himself.  It also depends on where your seats are at, if he can not easily see the game, he is going to get bored more easily, but if you have really good seats and are in the middle of the action, he is going to more excited and entertained by it.  I don't know where you live, but here in Illinois, we have the minor league baseball and they involve the crowd in the game by throwing stuff up into the stands, if you have something like that where you are, that might be something to start him off with.

  3. There's no point in taking a child to a baseball game that isn't interested in it to begin with.  If the 6 year old shows some interest, then take him.  The 4 year old probably just doesn't have the attention span yet.  Especially since he's not interested in baseball at all.  Continue talking to them about the game and see if they seem interested.  Eventually, if they are like all other typical  little boys (or girls), sports will become interesting and they'll want you to take them to EVERY game!

  4. Age has little to do with it.  I've seen 4 year olds having a blast at baseball games.  Your grandsons might not just be interested and you can't force an interest.  My daughter started enjoying games at about 7 but my other one never liked going.

  5. I think it really depends on the child.  You may try it with just you and the 6 year old and see how that works. I have a 4 year old myself and I just dont think he could stay interested enough in a ball game to sit there and watch the hole thing. Im not sure about the 6 year old but definitely by the age of 8 if they are going to be interested in it, they should be able to sit still and watch a game. If you choose to take just the 6 year old, you may want to find some kind of other activity that just you and the 4 year old could do one afternoon. I have three children and I know how they act when one gets to do something that another one does not. If these are professional games or something, maybe you could start at a game that is a little shorter because those can get lengthy.  Try taking him to a high school game or to a park league game where the games are usually alot shorter and work up from there. Good luck:-)

    Also, I commend you for wanting to do this with them, not all children have grandparents that care as much about them as you do about yours!

  6. when there Young that way when they are older they will like it more

  7. I think you have the right idea about taking the 6 year old by himself at first so then you could have more one on one time to tell him what's going on and try to get him interested. Then eventually the 4 year old can come and seeing the 6 year old getting into it will get him into it instead of the other way around.

  8. If the 6 year old was showing interest and you feel that he was distracted by his brother then definitly take him again just the two of you.  Our family is die hard baseball fans we have season tickets to the Cardinals and love sharing it with our kids however the girls love going and have since they were 3 but our son is more rambunctious and baseball is not interesting enough for him and even at 8 we often leave him with grandma to go to the games.  It is a great time and a fun event to share with those who also enjoy it, dont assume the 6 yo isnt interested after 1 game or the 4 yo either for that matter.  Take the older boy and see how he does with just you if he likes it great and if not maybe next year.  Maybe with the smaller one take him to some t-ball games were kids his age are playing and let him start out with that

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