
What is the right frame size for me?

by Guest33344  |  earlier

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i want to buy a road bike frame and build it up, but I don't know what size i should buy. I'm 6 foot 2 and my inseam is about 33. what should the frame's Center to Center length be and the top tube length? thanks.




  1. You'll probably want a 60cm frame......58cm will be kinda short on the top tube.  Head to a good bike shop and spend some time with them test riding and getting fitted properly.   As far as specific lengths, that's hard to tell you what anything "should" be.  Different geometries in frames feel differently, and people are all put together a little differently in their body you can shoot for a general fit, even a precise-general fit....but the small details are only revealed through experience in riding different bikes.  Most are pretty darn close to one another, but one manufacturer's 58cm frame won't be exactly the same as another's.  Your component selection factors into all of this as well, of course.  This is why a good shop is worth spending time with.  

    Hope that helps some.....enjoy the new bike when you get it all sorted!   :o)

  2. go to a bike store and they will tell u, im 5'5 and have an 18' frame

  3. Rough guess - you are looking at a 58 in a road frame. But you really need to get fitted.

    Either do it on an online shop or (my recommendation) at a good LBS where you will be buying. The LBS (if it is good) will work with you to get the right frame geometry, and then will shift out stems, cranks, et cetera to get you the right length there.

    Edcit: Ride!Urban is probably right about the size 60 instead of 58 - I was thinking inseam, and forgot about the fact that you are 6'2"... Your torso will be quite long. But the advice about the LBS still stands.

  4. Go to this site.

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