
What is the role and importance of agriculture in national, regional, and international economy?

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What is the role and importance of agriculture in national, regional, and international economy?




  1. agriculture serves as the base for the economy, whether on a regional, natl or intl level. food is  a basic need and therefore every country strives to attain food security for its people.

    self-sufficiency or the ability to provide for one's needs is the object of agriculture. in this regard self-sufficiency results in savings as importation of food is not required and may also provide income in the form of export sales for excess produce.

    extra income then provide capital to venture into other industry to further sustain the growth of the economy.  

    agriculture is also considered as labor-intensive and therefore also serve to provide means of employment to the people, especially the poor and uneducated.

    poor african countries that fell into anarchy and had to be aided by other countries by providing food and medicine to the starving masses highlight the importance of agriculture not only for a country's economy but for its very survival.

  2. Here in AZ agriculture is quickly dwindling! Makes me sick to see SO many orchards and farm lands gone due to housing developers buying them all up! It's sad! Now we have to get our products elsewhere- paying higher prices, not knowing where it comes from or what's in it no less! Kids have no where to go to learn that oranges or milk dont come from the store, you dont drive thru the countryside anymore- you drive thru shopping mall parking lots!

    No freh milk or home grown eggs/chickens/ no plant nurseries from mom and pop stands anymore. It hurts...and what the heck do all the people do for jobs who buy into these new homes!

  3. Agriculture is the base of all economy.All the industries to some extent depends on agriculture directly or indirectly on agriculture.So the region ,the Nation which is agriculturally more developed is having a sound economy.

  4. Agriculture provides a key role in the economy.  If the country can produce its own food then this is good.  Otherwise it has to pay for it from other countries.  Countries that import staple foods often have a trade deficit and food is expensive and inflation is high.  Countries that can produce there own food enjoy a better quality of life than those who import it.  They enjoy higher levels of education, better nutrition and health, and a higher life expectancy.  Countries who can export food enjoy higher purchasing power and cheaper luxury items.

    Agriculture has high export value and makes up an essential part of a countries Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  It brings in good overseas dollars and greats thousands of jobs.  Countries that have poor agriculture risk malnutrition and high overseas debt.

  5. The role of agriculture in the national economy is critical.  If a nation is able to grow enough food to feed it's population it is not dependent on imports from other nations.  When the agriculture of a nation is no longer able to feed it's people it is the start of the decline of the nation.  It is important for a nation like the USA to grow enough food it can export it internationally.  Agricultural products has been the USA's largest international trade item and has kept the nation in trade surplus.

  6. Here in Kentucky, Tobacco was once the biggest crop in the state, now it maybe one of the smallest. Kentucky still raises 71% of all the Burley Tobacco that is raised in the USA, but that may change in the next few years if the labor force drys up. Regionally that will hurt the economy in some ways, but it will effect the rest of the USA in more ways.....1... the price of smoking will go up probably 3 times as much as it does right now and International tobacco companys will make a killing saleing tobacco products to the American people and the USA will be easy pickins to, because of all the marketing the big tobacco company in the US has done here for years and all the people who are hooked on smoking! Once again tons of US money will be sent out of the country to some other country because the USA has voted tobacco out thinking if the USA didn't raise tobacco no one will smoke!

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