
What is the role of a mother in her daughter's life?

by Guest58599  |  earlier

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N what could be the outome of stripping a girl off her mother's affection childhood onwards?




  1. the role of mother is to grow her daughter in the best she can , not in the best clothes or in the best and enjoying times , but in the best things like respect , try to tell her about the god , sins , and share their problems , so that the girl wont hide anything from her mum , and wont seek for any other relation in its early ages ....

  2. The role of a *Parent* should be to provide a stable environment for the child to grow in, and to show what unconditional love IS. (Many people, unfortunately, have never experienced this.)

    The role of a *Mother* in particular would be the voice of experience and guidance through all aspects of growing up female.

  3. The role of a mother in her daughter's life starts with her decision "not to abort" the daughter before she is born.  The role pretty much ends there, but some mothers do carry on with various kind of roleplay.

  4. i am pretty sure that it is to be there for your child and guide him or her to make good choices. the outcome is what you make it to be.

  5. First and foremost, her job is that of 'mother'...not 'friend'.  Too many women are making that mistake today, and their daughters are running amuck!

    Parents need to show unconditional love, but with a firm and guiding hand.  To strip a child of affection leads to coldness and an inability to trust or love later in life.

  6. The role of a mother in her daughter's life is to guide her as she grows up and to be  a role model for her both as a woman and as a wife if she's married.  Women are their daughter's role models for what they can and for the most part should become as women and some times as wives.  If a girl is deprived of her mother early in life and has no female role models there will be a lack of ways for her to learn how to be a women other than as a physical one.  A woman needs both a man and a woman in her life as a child so that she can grow up well rounded and with an idea of a womans role in the wider world.  The best thing that you can do for your self is to find yourself a mentor out side of your family so that you can have someone to talk to and someone to bounce ideas off of.  Since you don't say how old you are now, You don't let us know how much of your life is under your control.  If you're in high school you could find a teacher or other woman to do this for you.  IF you're an adult you should look to the wider community maybe someone at work.  But finding a mentor would help you immensly.

  7. Sorry that you lost your mother. My mother lost her mother when she was 4 years old, but she turned out to be an incredible human being. You may not like this answer, but it gives you power. The role of a mother, or any parent is to keep the child alive until adulthood. Human children as compared to children of ALL other species are the least equipped to survive in the world.

    Anything else the mother (or father) provides besides basic survival is a plus. Your mother can teach you how to cook (others could do that), you mother could teach you how to be a woman (that is also instinctive), your mother could give you love and affection (love is wherever you create it) a mother can help you pick your clothes (a lot of kids have their OWN tastes) a mother can sooth you when you are hurt (others can do this too). Children often grow up to be adults and blame the parents for what they did or didn't do, and assign blame on the parents on why their life doesn't work. For example, I've heard children complain that their mother smothered them with too much affection, controlled their lives, nagged to no end, were too critical of them, never were satisfied with them, etc.

    A more powerful way to relate to your parents is to give them credit for all of your accomplishments, and for you to take personal responsibility for all of your failures. Even if they died, or left home, or divorced. This isn't the TRUTH, but it is a powerful way of relating to life.  Sometimes children grow up to be adults and have horrible lives just to prove that their parents were bad parents.  

    On the other hand, there is this basketball player on the Celtics who had no father, his mother died when he was young, he was homeless and grew up with foster parents, and despite all of that, he is playing for the NBA on the top ranked team and is close to winning a championship in his rookie year.  Not bad for a homeless kid from Oakland, California with no parents.

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