
What is the role of a sales maneger in a finantial company?

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What is the role of a sales maneger in a finantial company?




  1. If you are a sals manager, you must have worked under sales manager previously (as a sales executive), I hope you must be very well aware of sales manager.

    Sales manager has to control sales executives working under him to get the desired sales volumes. In case of financial company also, you need to sale the financial products (it may be loans, credits, investment products and so on).

    But, despite of being a sales manager, if you have to work individually, build a very good relationship with the proposed customers whether they buy your product or not. Also cover the market in a large way, meet maximum class and numbers of customers if possible. make a segments of them and work thoroughly on them.

    Rest is dependent on your luck and customers' perception.

  2. The role of any sales manager at any company is very simple.

    They're to motivate the sales force, provide direction to the sales people as a team or individually, assess numbers and provide constructive criticism, be held accountable for decisions that affect the entire sales force,  and function as a liaison between the sales people and the executive management.

    Sales is about building relationships. But more often than not the sales manager isn't very active in selling.  They were a salesperson at one time, you need to be to gain relevant experience to become a sales manager.  However, they probably weren't the best salesperson for their time and place.  The logic being two-fold:

    1:  If you make the best sales person the sales manager... effectively you're just depriving yourself of the best sales person by pulling them off the floor, or out of the field.

    2. The best players don't necessarily make the best coaches.  Historically it's just the way it is.  And nobody will ever know why.

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