
What is the role of best man at a wedding, i have the honor of being best man but what do i do?

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What is the role of best man at a wedding, i have the honor of being best man but what do i do?




  1. Support your friend to the end.  Bachelor parties can be dangerous so keep an eye on him for that night also.

    Basically you could have the rings organised and check out details with the rest of the wedding party to make sure everything goes according to plan.

    Speeches are optional these days depending on the venue and style of wedding.  If it is semi-formal than you should have something prepared and run it by him to make sure it doesn't embarass or offend any family members.  Funny is usually the theme.

    Good luck and enjoy the festivities..

  2. There's more to being a best man than you might at first realize. Not only will you have an important role to play on the wedding day, but you will also be an invaluable helper in the months leading up to it. You're the groom's right-hand man, the one he'll depend on to be what all truly good friends are: dependable, trustworthy, and helpful.

    On the day itself, you will help to iron the glitches out of a hectic schedule that requires getting the groom to the ceremony on time regardless of traffic, bad weather, or an over-zealous bachelor party. You will cast a watchful eye over the ushers, hand the ring to the groom on cue, deliver an eloquent first toast at the reception (and you may be the MC as well), and help to make the newlyweds' exit from the reception as graceful as their entrance.

    To be chosen as best man in a friend or relative's wedding is an honor. It means being a very special person in the groom's life, one who is trusted with several important responsibilities.

    Here is a summary of the best man's responsibilities and or duties:

    • Assisting in any way you can throughout the wedding planning process.

    Rent and pay for a tux, and go for fittings and assist with the formalwear arrangements of groomsmen.  

    • Collects and returns all formalwear rentals on time.  

    • Hosting a stag or bachelor party  

    • Attend all pre-wedding parties, rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  

    • Help the groom dress and make sure he gets to the church on time.  

    • Keeps the bride’s wedding ring until the ring exchange. You may be asked to hold both rings or none at all if the ring bearer has them.  

    • Sign the marriage license.  

    • The couple will give you a sealed envelope with the officiant’s or church’s fee in it. You will give this to the priest/officiant before the ceremony.  

    • Sit to the groom’s left at the reception.  

    • Escorting the maid of honor in the wedding ceremony recession.

    • Dances with the maid of honour.  

    • Make a first toast to the bride and groom. This is usually done before dinner but in some cases right after.

    • Mingling with guests and making introductions.

    • Help maid of honour bring gifts to the bride and groom’s house.

    • Reviewing the duties of the ushers with them.  

    • Making sure all ushers arrive on time, well ahead of the guests and the start of the ceremony.  

    • Making sure the ushers are seating the guests properly at the reception.

    • Ensuring the newlywed couple leaves for their honeymoon in dependable transportation (perhaps you'll chauffeur them yourself in your own car) with all luggage accounted for.


  3. You handle all the things that he needs done, such as picking up the suits, handling any last minute bills, picking up people at the airport, etc.

    Schedule the bach party and make sure things run smoothly.  Also make sure he stays out of trouble.

    Just be there when he needs you.

  4. Pre wedding:

    Coordinate the bachelor party

    Take the groom out on the day of the girls bridal shower - play golf or something.

    If the shower is a Jack and Jill, see if the groom wants you there.

    Plan your speech

    Talk to the bride about logistics of the wedding (what time, where, who the players are)

    Get cell numbers for the mother of the bride and ALL of the bridal party (just in case)

    Get the names and cell numbers for all of the wedding vendors (florist, cake lady, DJ)

    On the night before the wedding, make sure to get the remaining payments for the vendors (your responsibility to physically hand them the payment envelope on the wedding day)

    Let the groom stay with you or stay in a hotel with him the night before the wedding (rehearsal dinner)

    Day of the wedding:

    Keep the groom busy in the morning

    Make sure you have the rings (traditonally you will hand the groom the rings during the ceremony)

    Give a KICK *** speech

    Dance with the bride

    Overall, just know that it is your responsibility to keep your buddy chilled out, make sure he doesn't have to stress about ANYTHING on the wedding day and just be there.  Do not be lazy and keep in contact with the bride.  She will appreciate it.

  5. Just basically being his right hand man. Being there for him and helping out with whatever he needs. Of course you have to throw the bachelor party lol oh and yeah I believe you have to make a toast at the reception.

  6. As everyone else has said - just support him, organise the bachelor party, be there to listen to him complain about how insane his fiance is behaving LOL

    In most cases you are also one of the 2 people who witness the wedding on the Marriage Certificate.

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