
What is the role of birth control in global warming?

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How does using birth control help global warming?




  1. WTF??!?

    Um... I'm not entirely seeing the connection... unless it's that lack of birth control causes higher population, which (supposedly) causes global warming.....

  2. Energy consumption is what is supposedly causing global warming.  So the less people on earth the less energy that is being used, and less co2 is released into the earth's atmosphere.  That is if you buy the theory of AGW, which I do not.

  3. it helps reduce population rise, and therefore helps reduce rise in consumption.

    although the main driver in reducing birth rates is the emancipation and education of women, provision of birth control is essential in allowing those women to limit the size of their families, as is their human right.

    the u.s. 'abstinence based' aid has caused a lot of damage in africa by diverting funds from effective, contraception based schemes.


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