
What is the role of capital markets and developement of investments?

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investment denelopent and capital markets




  1. Capital Markets are those which simply transfer the funds or money from one person to other i.e. from those who have excess money to those who are in need of money. Those who provides the money will get some benefit in return of it. Such as Stock Market, the people invest to earn more and the companies will use that money for their development and expansion of their business.

    Your second questions regarding development of investments is not self explanatory, you need to explain it more so that i can answer it .

    Hope you will select me as the best answer.

  2. The role of the Capital Market, like the stock market, bond market, the futures and Mutual Fund markets; provide capital for business organisations to expand their existing business, exploring new businesses and opportunities and also for their mergers and acquitions. These capital markets also serve as a trading platforms for investors to trade in their investments either for profits or to enhance their investments values.

    I think with the current turmoil and credit crunch in the financial market like in Banks. Investments in Insurance companies is a better and safer option for people to take and to save their hard earned money from risks, like the sub prime mortgage crisis,Banks write downs and any economic downturns.

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