
What is the role of non government functionaries for disaster management in any locality?

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  5.  h**l give sum information idiot...........

  6. nothing

  7. What is the role of non government functionaries for disaster management in any locality?

  8. ghanttttttta.

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  10. principal role
    1. Helps with planning for various kinds of disaster, both internal and external disasters.
    2. Interacting with various local agencies for crisis management ( sheriff, police, fire department, ambulance etc.)
    3. Training of both staff and personnel, including practice drills.
    4. Evaluation and improvement of plans.
    5. Dissemination of disaster plans, including simplified version posted in each classroom.
    6. When disaster occurs, the principal is often the one who determines which kind of disaster is taking place and appropriate action.
    7. The principal if often the person who makes outside contacts such as calling central office, sheriff department etc.
    8. Along with assigned staff, principal makes sure doors are shut and locked, students are in assigned places ( not in hallways or restrooms etc.)
    9. Following the drill, the principal makes the determination and, possibly, the announcement that the drill or disaster is over and what to do next ( school dismissal, proceed to next scheduled class, gather in auditorium etc.)
    10. Do all follow up written and oral reports on the disaster.


  12. maa chod do is site ki

  13. this site is a big fooooooooooooooool?????

  14. they have some role ,so be happy with it.

  15. why this site is not giving any sorts of informations about the given topic?Is this site is fool or nothing is there in its mind,haan?

  16. 72
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    General Preparedness
    v Each Department and Government agency
    involved in Disaster Management and
    mitigation will:
    v Designate a Nodal officer for emergency
    response and will act as the contact person
    for that department/agency.
    v Ensure establishment of fail-safe two-way
    communication with the state, district and
    other emergency control rooms and within
    the organisation.
    v Emphasis on communication systems used
    regularly during LO with more focus on
    the use of VHFs with automatic repeaters,
    mobile phones with publicised numbers,
    HF radio sets etc. It should be remembered
    that SAT phones fail during prolonged
    emergencies and electric failure if the
    phones cannot be re-charged.
    v Work under the overall supervision of the
    SRC / the district Collectors during
    2. Agriculture
    Prevention Activities:
    v Awareness generation regarding various
    plant diseases, alternate cropping practices
    in disaster-prone areas, Crop Insurance,
    provision of credit facilities, proper
    storage of seeds, etc.
    v Hazard area mapping (identification of
    areas endemic to pest infections, drought,
    flood, and other hazards).
    v Develop database village-wise, cropwise,
    irrigation source wise, insurance
    details, credit facilities, etc.
    v Regular monitoring at block level; the
    distribution and variation in rainfall.
    Prepare the farmers and department
    officers to adopt contingency measures and
    take up appropriate course of action
    corresponding to the different emerging
    v Detail response manuals to be drawn up
    for advising the farmers for different types
    of disasters, e.g., rain failure in July or
    September & development of a dynamic
    response plan taking into account weekly
    rainfall patterns.
    v Develop IEC materials to advise the
    farming communities on cropping practices
    and precautionary measures to be
    undertaken during various disasters.
    v Improving irrigation facilities, watershed
    management, soil conservation and other
    soil, water and fertility management
    Role of State Government Departments /
    Agencies in Disaster Management
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    measures keeping in mind the local agroclimatic
    conditions and the proneness of
    the area to specific hazards.
    v Promotion of alternative crop species and
    cropping patterns keeping in mind the
    vulnerability of areas to specific hazards.
    v Surveillance for pests and crop diseases
    and encourage early reporting.
    v Encourage promotion of agro service
    outlets/enterprise for common facilities,
    seed and agro input store and crop
    Preparedness Activities before disaster
    v Review and update precautionary
    measures and procedures and especially
    ascertain that adequate stock of seeds and
    other agro inputs are available in areas
    prone to natural calamities.
    v Review the proper functioning of rain
    gauge stations, have stock for immediate
    replacement of broken / non-functioning
    gadgets/equipments, record on a daily
    basis rainfall data, evaluate the variation
    from the average rainfall and match it with
    the rainfall needs of existing crops to ensure
    early prediction of droughts.
    Response Activities:
    v Management of control activities
    following crop damage, pest infestation and
    crop disease to minimise losses.
    v Collection, laboratory testing and analysis
    of viruses to ensure their control and
    v Pre-positioning of seeds and other agro
    inputs in strategic points so that stocks are
    readily available to replace damage caused
    by natural calamities.
    v Rapid assessment of the extent of damage
    to soil, crop, plantation, irrigation systems,
    drainage, embankment, other water bodies
    and storage facilities and the requirements
    to salvage, re-plant, or to compensate and
    report the same for ensuring early supply
    of seeds and other agro inputs necessary
    for re-initiating agricultural activities
    where crops have been damaged.
    v Establishment of public information
    centres with appropriate and modern
    means of communication, to assist farmers
    in providing information regarding
    insurance, compensation, repair of agro
    equipments and restarting of agricultural
    activities at the earliest.
    Recovery Activities
    v Arrange for early payment of
    compensation and crop insurance dues.
    v Facilitate provision of seeds and other
    agro inputs.
    v Promotion of drought and flood tolerant
    seed varieties.
    v Review with the community, the identified
    vulnerabilities and risks for crops, specific
    species, areas, which are vulnerable to
    repetitive floods, droughts, other natural
    hazards, water logging, increase in salinity,
    pest attacks etc. and draw up alternative
    cropping plans to minimise impacts to
    various risks.
    v Facilitate sanctioning of soft loans for farm
    v Establishment of a larger network of soil
    and water testing laboratories.
    v Establishment of pests and disease
    monitoring system.
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Training in alternative cropping
    techniques, mixed cropping and other
    agricultural practices which will minimise
    crop losses during future disasters.
    3. Health Department
    3.1. Disaster Events
    Prevention Activities:
    v Assess preparedness levels at State,
    Distict and Block levels.
    v Identification of areas endemic to
    epidemics and natural disasters.
    v Identification of appropriate locations for
    testing laboratories.
    v Listing and networking with private health
    v Developing a network of volunteers for
    blood donation with blood grouping data.
    v Strengthening of disease surveillance,
    ensuring regular reporting from the field
    level workers (ANMs/LHV etc) and its
    compilation and analysis at the PHC and
    District levels, on a weekly basis (daily
    basis in case of an epidemic or during
    natural disasters), forwarding the same to
    the State Disease Surveillance Cell and
    monthly feed back from the State to the
    district and from the District to the PHC.
    v Formation of adequate number of mobile
    units with trained personnel, testing
    facilities, communication systems and
    emergency treatment facilities.
    v Identification of locations in probable
    disaster sites for emergency operation
    v Awareness generation about various
    infectious diseases and their prevention.
    v Training and IEC activities
    v Training of field personnel, Traditional
    Birth Attendants, community leaders,
    volunteers, NGOs and CBOs in first aid,
    measures to be taken to control outbreak
    of epidemics during and after a disaster,
    v Arrangement of standby generators for
    every hospitals.
    v Listing of vehicles, repair of departmental
    vehicles that will be requisitioned during
    emergencies for transport of injured.
    Prepardness Activities before Disaster
    v For heat wave : preparation and
    distribution of IEC materials, distribution
    of ORS and other life-saving drugs, training
    of field personnel on measures to be taken
    for management of patients suspected to be
    suffering from heatstroke;
    v For flood and cyclone : Assessment and
    stock pilling of essential medicines, anti
    snake venom, halogen tablets, bleaching
    powders. ORS tablets, Pre-positioning of
    mobile units at vulnerable and strategic
    Response activities:
    v Stock piling of life-saving drugs, detoxicants,
    anaesthesia, Halogen tablets in
    vulnerable areas.
    v Strengthening of drug supply system with
    powers for local purchase during LO.
    v Situational assessment and reviewing the
    status of response mechanisms in known
    vulnerable pockets.
    v Ensure adequate availability of personnel
    in disaster sites.
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Review and update precautionary
    measures and procedures, and apprise the
    personnel who will be implementing those.
    v Sanitation
    v Dispensing with post-mortem activities
    during L1, L2 and L3 when the relatives
    and/or the competent authority is satisfied
    about cause of death.
    v Disinfections of water bodies and drinking
    water sources.
    v Immunization against infectious diseases.
    v Ensure continuous flow of information.
    Recovery Activities
    v Continuation of disease surveillance and
    v Continuation of treatment, monitoring and
    other epidemic control activities till the
    situation is brought under control and the
    epidemic eradicated.
    v Trauma counselling.
    v Treatment and socio-medical
    rehabilitation of injured or disabled
    v Immunisation and nutritional surveillance.
    v Long term plans to progressively reduce
    various factors that contribute to high level
    of vulnerability to diseases of population
    affected by disasters.
    3.2 Epidemics
    Preventive Activities:
    v Supply of safe drinking water, water
    quality monitoring and improved sanitation.
    v Vector Control programme as a part of
    overall community sanitation activities.
    v Promotion of personal and community
    v Sanitation of sewage and drainage systems.
    v Development of proper solid waste
    management systems.
    v Surveillance and spraying of water bodies
    for control of malaria.
    v Promoting and?strengthening Primary
    Health Centres with network of paraprofessionals
    to improve the capacity of
    surveillance and control of epidemics.
    v Establishing testing laboratories at
    appropriate locations to reduce the time
    taken for early diagnosis and subsequent
    v Establishing procedures and methods of
    coordination with the Health Department,
    other local authorities/departments and
    NGOs to ensure that adequate prevention
    and preparedness measures have been
    taken to prevent and / or minimise the
    probable outbreak of epidemics.
    v Identification of areas prone to certain
    epidemics and assessment of requirements
    to control and ultimately eradicate the
    v Identification of appropriate locations and
    setting up of site operation camps for
    combating epidemics.
    v Listing and identification of vehicles to be
    requisitioned for transport of injured
    v Vaccination of the animals and
    identification of campsites in the probable
    v Promotion of animal insurance.
    v Tagging of animals
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Arrangement of standby generators for
    veterinary hospitals.
    v Provision in each hospital for receiving
    large number of livestock at a time.
    v Training of community members in
    carcasses disposal.
    Preparedness activities before disaster
    v Stock piling of water, fodder and animal
    v Pre-arrangements for tie-up with fodder
    supply units.
    v Stock-piling of surgical packets.
    v Construction of mounds for safe shelter of
    v Identification of various water sources to
    be used by animals in case of prolonged
    hot and dry spells.
    v Training of volunteers & creation of local
    units for carcass disposal.
    v Municipalities/Gram Panchayats/ BDOs to
    be given responsibility for removing
    animals likely to become health hazards.
    Response Activities:
    v Eradication and control of animal diseases,
    treatment of injured animals ~ Protection
    of abandoned and lost cattle.
    v Supply of medicines and fodder to affected
    v Ensure adequate availability of personnel
    and mobile team.
    v Disposal of carcasses ensuring proper
    sanitation to avoid outbreak of epidemics.
    v Establishment of public information centre
    with a means of communication, to assist
    in providing an organised source of
    v Mobilising community participation for
    carcass disposal.
    Recovery Activities:
    v Assess losses of animals assets and needs
    of persons and communities.
    v Play a facilitating role for early approval
    of soft loans for buying animals and
    v ensuring insurance coverage and disasterproof
    housing or alternative shelters/
    mounds for animals for future emergencies.
    v Establishment of animal disease
    surveillance system.
    5. Water Supplies and Sanitation (Public
    Health Engineering & Rural Water
    Supply & Sanitation)
    Prevention Activities:
    v Provision of safe water to all habitats.
    v Clearance of drains and sewerage systems,
    particularly in the urban areas.
    Preparedness Activities for disaster seasons
    v Prior arrangement of water tankers and
    other means of distribution and storage of
    v Prior arrangement of stand-by generators.
    v Adequate prior arrangements to provide
    water and halogen tablets at identified
    sites to used as relief camps or in areas
    with high probability to be affected by
    natural calamities.
    v Raising of tube-well platforms,
    improvement in sanitation structures and
    other infrastructural measures to ensure
    least damages during future disasters.
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Riser pipes to be given to villagers.
    Response Activities:
    v Disinfections and continuous monitoring of
    water bodies.
    v Ensuring provision of water to hospitals
    and other vital installations.
    v Provision to acquire tankers and establish
    other temporary means of distributing
    water on an emergency basis.
    v Arrangement and distribution of emergency
    tool kits for equipments required for
    dismantling and assembling tubewells, etc.
    v Carrying out emergency repairs of
    damaged water supply systems.
    v Disinfection of hand pumps to be done by
    the communities through prior awareness
    activities & supply of inputs.
    Recovery Activities:
    v Strengthening of infrastructure.
    v Review and documentation.
    v Sharing of experiences and lessons learnt.
    v Training to staff.
    v Development of checklists and
    contingency plans.
    6. Police:
    Prevention Activities:
    v Keep the force in general and the ODRAF
    in particular fighting fit for search, rescue,
    evacuation and other emergency operations
    at all times through regular drills.
    v Procurement and deployment of modern
    emergency equipments while modernising
    existing infrastructure and equipments for
    disaster response along with regular
    training and drills for effective handling
    of these equipments.
    v Focus on better training and equipments
    for ODRAF for all types of disasters, e.g.
    diving equipments.
    v Rotation of members of ODRAF so that
    the force remains fighting fit.
    v Ensure that all communication equipments
    including wireless are regularly functioning
    and deployment of extra wireless units in
    vulnerable pockets.
    v Ensure interchangibility of VHF
    communication sets of police and OSDMA
    supplied units, if required.
    v Keeping close contact with the District
    Administration & Emergency Officer.
    v Superintendent of Police be made Vice
    Chairperson of District Natural Calamity
    v Involvement of the local army units in
    response planning activities and during the
    preparation of the annual contingency plans
    to ensure logistics and other support to
    armed forces during emergencies.
    Response Plan:
    v Security arrangements for relief materials
    in transit and in camps etc.
    v Senior police officers to be deployed in
    control rooms at State & district levels
    during L 1 level deployment onwards.
    v Deploy personnel to guard vulnerable
    embankments and at other risk points.
    v Arrangement for the safety.
    v Coordinate search, rescue and evacuation
    operations in coordination with the
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Emergency traffic management.
    v Maintenance of law and order in the
    affected areas.
    v Assist administration in taking necessary
    action against hoarders, black marketers
    7. Civil Defence
    Prevention Activities
    v Organise training programmes on first-aid,
    search, rescue and evacuation.
    v Preparation and implementation of first
    aid, search and rescue service plans for
    major public events in the State.
    v Remain fit and prepared through regular
    drills and exercises at all times.
    Response Activities
    v Act as Support agency for provision of first
    aid, search and rescue services to other
    emergency service agencies and the public.
    v Act as support agency for movement of
    v Triage of casualties and provision of first
    aid and treatment.
    v Work in co-ordination with medical
    assistance team.
    v Help the Police for traffic management and
    law and order.
    8. Fire Services:
    Prevention Activities:
    v Development/enforcement of relevant
    legislations and regulations to enhance
    adoption of fire safety measures.
    v Modernisation of fire-fighting equipments
    and strengthening infrastructure.
    v Identification of pockets, industry , etc.
    which highly susceptible to fire accidents
    or areas, events which might lead to fires,
    building collapse, etc. and educate people
    to adopt safety measures. Conduct training
    and drills to ensure higher level of
    prevention and preparedness.
    v Building awareness in use of various fire
    protection and preventive systems.
    v Training the communities to handle fire
    emergencies more effectively.
    v VHF network for fire services linked with
    revenue & police networks.
    v Training of masons & engineers in fireproof
    v Making clearance of building plans by fire
    services mandatory.
    Response Activities:
    v Rescue of persons trapped in burning,
    collapsed or damaged buildings, damaged
    vehicles, including motor vehicles, trains
    and aircrafts, industries, boilers and
    pressure vessels, trenches and tunnels.
    v Control of fires and minimising damages
    due to explosions.
    v Control of other dangerous or hazardous
    situations such as oil, gas and hazardous
    materials spill.
    v Protection of property and the environment
    from fire damage.
    v Support to other agencies in the response
    to emergencies.
    v Investigation into the causes of fire and
    assist in damage assesment.
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    9. Civil Supplies:
    Preventive Activities
    v Construction and maintenance of storage
    godowns at strategic locations.
    v Stock piling of food and essential
    commodities in anticipation of disaster.
    v Take appropriate preservative methods to
    ensure that food and other relief stock are
    not damaged during storage, especially
    precautions against moisture, rodents and
    fungus infestation.
    Response Activities
    v Management of procurement
    v Management of material movement
    v Inventory management
    Recovery Activities
    v Conversion of stored, unutilised relief
    stocks automatically into other schemes
    like Food for Work. Wherever, it is not
    done leading to damage of stock, it should
    be viewed seriously.
    10. Works/ Rural Development Departments
    Prevention Activities :
    v Keep a list of earth moving and clearing
    vehichles / equipments (available with
    Govt. Departments, PSUs, and private
    contractors, etc.) and formulate a plan to
    mobilise those at the earliest.
    v Inspection and emergency repair of roads/
    bridges, public utilities and buildings.
    Response Activities
    v Clearing of roads and establish
    connectivity. Restore roads, bridges and
    where necessary make alternate
    arrangements to open the roads to traffic
    at the earliest.
    v Mobilisation of community assistance for
    clearing blocked roads.
    v Facilitate movement of heavy vehicles
    carrying equipments and materials.
    v Identification and notification of alternative
    routes to strategic locations.
    v Filling of ditches, disposal of debris, and
    cutting of uprooted trees along the road.
    v Arrangement of emergency tool kit for
    every section at the divisional levels for
    activities like clearance (power saws),
    debris clearance (fork lifter) and other tools
    for repair and maintenance of all disaster
    response equipments.
    Recovery Activities:
    v Strengthening and restoration of
    infrastructure with an objective to eliminate
    the factor(s) which caused the damage.
    v Review and documentation.
    v Sharing of experiences and lessons learnt.
    v Training to staff.
    v Development of checklists and
    contingency plans.
    11. Energy:
    Prevention Activities:
    v Identification of materials/tool kits
    required for emergency response.
    v Ensure and educate the minimum safety
    standards to be adopted for electrical
    installation and equipments and organise
    training of electricians accordingly.
    v Develop and administer regulations to
    ensure safety of electrical accessories and
    electrical installations.
    v Train and have a contingency plan to
    ensure early electricity supply to essential
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    services during emergencies and
    restoration of electric supply at an early
    v Develop and administer code of practice
    for power line clearance to avoid
    electrocution due to broken / fallen wires.
    v Strengthen high-tension cable towers to
    withstand high wind speed, flooding and
    earthquake, modernise electric installation,
    strengthen electric distribution system to
    ensure minimum damages during natural
    v Conduct public/industry awareness
    campaigns to prevent electric accidents
    during normal times and during and after a
    natural disaster.
    Response Activities:
    v Disconnect electricity after receipt of
    v Attend sites of electrical accidents and
    assist in undertaking damage assessment.
    v Stand-by arrangements to ensure
    temporary electricity supply.
    v Prior planning & necessary arrangements
    for tapping private power plants like those
    belonging to ICCL, NALCO, RSP during
    emergencies to ensure uninterrupted power
    supply to the Secretariat, SRC, OSDMA,
    Police Headquarters, All India Radio,
    Doordarshan, hospitals, medical colleges,
    Collectorate Control Rooms and other vital
    emergency response agencies.
    v Inspection and repair of high tension lines
    /substations/transformers/poles etc.
    v Ensure the public and other agencies are
    safeguarded from any hazards, which may
    have occurred because of damage to
    electricity distribution systems.
    v Restore electricity to the affected area as
    quickly as possible.
    v Replace / restore of damaged poles/
    salvaging of conductors and insulators.
    12. Water Resources Department:
    Prevention Activities:
    v Assess preparedness level.
    v Annual assessment of danger levels &
    wide publicity of those levels.
    v Identify flood prone rivers and areas and
    activate flood monitoring mechanisms.
    v Provide water level gauge at critical
    points along the rivers, dams and tanks.
    v Identify and maintain of materials/tool kits
    required for emergency response.
    v Stock-pile of sand bags and other
    necessary items for breach closure at the
    Panchayat level.
    Response Activities:
    v Monitoring flood situation.
    v Dissemination of flood warning.
    v Ensure accurate dissemination of warning
    messages naming GPs & Tehsils with
    details of flow & likely damage.
    v Monitoring and protection of irrigation
    v Inspection of bunds of dams, irrigation
    channels, bridges, culverts, control gates
    and overflow channels.
    v Inspection and repair of pumps, generator,
    motor equipments, station buildings.
    v Community mobilisation in breach closure
    Recovery Activities:
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Strengthening of infrastructure and human
    v Review and documentation.
    v Sharing of experiences and lessons learnt.
    v Training of staff.
    v Development of checklists and contingency
    13. Fisheries
    Prevention Activities
    v Registration of boats and fishermen.
    v Building community awareness on weather
    phenomena and warning system especially
    on Do?s and Don?ts on receipt of weather
    related warnings.
    v Assist in providing life saving items like
    life jackets, hand radios, etc.
    v Certifying the usability of all boats and
    notifying their carrying capacities.
    v Capacity building of traditional fishermen
    and improvisation of of traditional boats
    which can be used during emergencies.
    v Train up young fishermen in search &
    rescue operation and hire their services
    during emergency.
    Response Activities
    v Ensure warning dissemination to fishing
    communities living in vulnerable pockets.
    v Responsible for mobilising boats during
    emergencies and for payment of wages to
    boatmen hired during emergencies.
    v Support in mobilisation and additional
    deployment of boats during emergencies.
    v Assess the losses of fisheries and
    aquaculture assets and the needs of persons
    and communities affected by emergency.
    Recovery Activities
    v Provide compensations and advice to
    affected individuals, community.
    v Plan for rehabilitation in the long run of
    the fisherfolk including resettlement,
    insurance, better boats, nets, etc., improved
    communication system as a part of the
    communication hub for warning
    dissemination, especially for marine
    fishermen and fishing communities
    residing in high-risk areas.
    14. Forest Department
    Prevention activities
    v Promotion of shelter belt plantation.
    v Publishing for public knowledge details
    of forest cover, use of land under the forest
    department, the rate of depletion and its
    v Keep saws (both power and manual) in
    working conditions.
    v Provision of seedling to the community and
    encouraging plantation activities,
    promoting nurseries for providing
    seedlings in case of destruction of trees
    during natural disasters.
    15. Transport Department:
    Prevention Activities
    v Listing of vehicles which can be used for
    emergency operation.
    v Safety accreditation, enforcement and
    v Ensuring vehicles follow accepted safety
    v Build awareness on road safety and traffic
    rules through awareness campaign, use of
    different IEC strategies and training to
    school children.
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    v Ensure proper enforcement of safety
    regulations Response Activities.
    v Requisition vehicles, trucks, and other
    means of transport to help in the emergency
    v Participate in post impact assessment of
    emergency situation.
    v Support in search, rescue and first aid.
    v Failure to cooperate and misappropriation
    of relief materials to invite disqualification
    from the post.
    Recovery Activities
    v Provision of personal support services e.g.
    v Repair/restoration of infrastructure e.g.
    roads, bridges, public amenities.
    v Supporting the G.Ps in development of
    storage and in playing a key role and in the
    coordination of management and
    distribution of relief and rehabilitation
    materials the Panchayat Samity and GP
    members to be trained to act as an effective
    interface between the community, NGOs,
    and other developmental organisations.
    v Provide training so that the elected
    representatives can act as effectives
    supportive agencies for reconstruction and
    recovery activities.
    16. Panchayati Raj
    Preventive Activities
    v Develop prevention/mitigation strategies
    for risk reduction at community level.
    v Training of elected representatives on
    various aspects of disaster management.
    v President, Zilla Parishad to be made
    member of District Natural Calamity
    v Public awareness on various aspects of
    disaster management.
    v Organise mock drills.
    v Promote and support community-based
    disaster management plans.
    v Support strengthening response
    mechanisms at the G.P. level (e.g., better
    communication, local storage, search &
    rescue equipments, etc.).
    v Clean drainage channels, organise through
    community participation trimming of
    branches before cyclone season.
    v Ensure alternative routes/means of
    communication for movement of relief
    materials and personnel to marooned areas
    or areas likely to be marooned.
    v Assist all the government departments to
    plan and prioritise prevention and
    preparedness activities while ensuring
    active community participation.
    Response Activities
    v Train up the G.P. Members and Support
    for timely and appropriate delivery of
    warning to the community.
    v Clearance of blocked drains and roads,
    including tree removal in the villages.
    v Construct alternative temporary roads to
    restore communication to the villages.
    v PRls to be a part of the damage survey
    and relief distribution teams to ensure
    popular participation.
    v Operationalise emergency relief centres
    and emergency shelter.
    v Sanitation, drinking water and medical aid
    v IEC activities for greater awareness
    regarding the role of trees and forests for
    Orissa Review * January - 2004
    protection during emergencies and also to
    minimise environmental impact which
    results owing to deforestation like climate
    change, soil erosion, etc.
    v Increasing involvement of the community,
    NGOs and CBOs in plantation, protection
    and other forest protection, rejuvenation
    and restoration activities.
    v Plan for reducing the incidence, and mini
    mise the impact of forest fire.
    Response Activities :
    v Assist in road clearance.
    v Provision of tree cutting equipments.
    v Units for tree cutting and disposal to be
    put under the control of OSDMA, SRC,
    Collector during L1.
    v Provision of building materials such as
    bamboos etc for construction of shelters.
    Recovery Activities :
    v Take up plantation to make good the
    damage caused to tree cover.
    17. Information & Public Relations
    Prevention Activities
    v Creation of public awareness regarding
    various types of disasters through media
    v Dissemination of information to public and
    others concerned regarding do?s and don?ts
    of various disasters.
    v Regular liasioning with the media.
    Response Activities
    v Setting up of a control room to provide
    authentic information to public regarding
    impending emergencies.
    v Daily press briefings at fixed times at state
    & district levels to provide official version
    (during LO also).
    v Media report & feedback to field officials
    on a daily basis from L1 onwards.
    v Keep the public informed about the latest
    of the emergency situation (area affected,
    lives lost, etc).
    v Keep the public informed about various
    post-disaster assistances and recovery
    18. Revenue Department
    v Co-ordination with Govt. of India
    v Overall control & supervision
    v Damage assessment, finalisation of reports
    and declaration of L1/L2 disasters
    v Mobilisation of finance
    19. Home Department
    v Requisition, deployment and providing
    necessary logistic support to the armed
    v Provide maps for air dropping, etc.
    20. Orissa Disaster Rapid Action Force
    v To be trained and equipped as an elite
    force within the Police Department and
    have the capacity to immediately respond
    to any emergency.
    v Unit to be equipped with life saving,
    search & rescue equipments, medical
    supplies, security arrangements,
    communication facilities and emergency
    rations and be self-sufficient.
    v Trained in latest techniques of search,
    rescue and communication in collaboration
    with international agencies.
    v Co-opt doctors into the team.
    Courtesy : OSDMA

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