
What is the role of s*x in Global warming?

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What is the role of s*x in Global warming?




  1. I am assuming that Al Gore was produced by an act of s*x, and he invented global warming so he could make a fortune buying and selling carbon offsets

  2. Nothing realy, this is an odd question. What I do know is that there are some new s*x diseases like AIDS that will only make this climate change extra tough for us.

    Another thing, it is very important that we are able to have s*x, otherwise humans would become extinct. I geuse the role is that humans have s*x so the human species caries on.

  3. s*x = more people being born so they can pollute the earth

  4. People pump out a lot of Carbon Dioxide and Water while doing it??

    haha  :)


  5. Well, unprotected s*x usually leads to children.  More children cause more of an overpopulation problem.  The overpopulation problem helps to speed up global warming because it means more people using cars, eating food, and using electricity.

  6. we never should have let you guys find out how babies are made in the first place.

    patriarchy and the idea of control over nature got us into this mess......

  7. negligible

  8. DONT!

    You might heat up the planet!!!

  9. global warming will only make s*x hotter!

  10. good question

    well i've never actually had s*x but from what the movies make out of it, it seems like it has an awfully big input into global warming we need to stop being so horny, no actually it's all worth it

  11. Actually the answer is none.

    If you actually subscribe to AGW theory however it could have the most important role, since increased population causes more CO2 simply through respiration.

    Although, if I were a bit younger, I might enjoy testing my theory a little more!

  12. At last, something the deniers and the scientific people seem to agree on!

  13. Come on ''u'', are u serious? I know u not a fool as u appear to be! What i think is,u realy need to understand the difference between these two

  14. Ask your parents.

  15. more humans means more polluters. Sexual Reproduction is bad not s*x

  16. Finally something we could prove was warming up!!!

  17. I could go for a set of warm globes right now.

  18. Everyonewho should be doing something are stuck in bed cheating on their wives/husbands. I am of course referring to numerous world leaders.

    Sorry for those out there offended by my generalization.

  19. IF it is not SAFE s*x


    it leads to overpopulation

    subsequent increased pollution

    over utilization of bio resources



    desertification ,

    loss of animal habitat

    and carbon emissions

    Think about all of that when you are  about to emit

    Safe s*x---Save the Planet

  20. Your question is a silly one, however I am amazed that we have not had a group study it.  Seems to be a grant for a lot of nonsense, why not this?

  21. Global warming is caused by a lack of s*x....if the scientists over at the IPCC got it more often, they wouldn't be so negative!

  22. It is a pleasant way to ignore the problem, while actually producing more people and therefore more problem.

  23. everything in the world is related and u have a point here.........

    because of unprotected s*x (many people still dont have access to protection n some refuse to use it) the population is growing growing n growing so more pressure on the resources n more pollution.....thats a very direct relation.......

  24. Birth control is at the heart of the climate change issue:

    "Having a billion fewer people by 2050 to reduce carbon emissions would cost 1,000 times less than all the other options"

    There is a Web site,, that has an extensive section on overpopulation and global warming:

  25. s*x = Friction

    Friction = Heat

    Heat = Global warming.

    Unfortunately global warming is a myth.

  26. Are you kidding?

  27. It 's all a ploy so that Al Gore can get a Hummer without feeling guilty

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