
What is the role of teacher in facilitating the child in early childhood education?

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What is the role of teacher in facilitating the child in early childhood education?




  1. To me the teacher in the lower levels of education play the biggest part. If you build a house and the foundation is not stable your house will fall. So will your education. They teach children mostly social skills that are so important to them in their daily lives. I used to work with the most dynamic pre-k teacher. She taught the children what to do in case of fires, swimming rules, how to blow their nose correctly, and so many things like this. When it was time to go to kindergarten they were so ready. Never underestimate those little lessons that seem silly to grown ups.

  2. The best way to be a facilitator to your children is to simply provide opportunities for them to learn.  Give them the tools and let them explore on their own.  "Step back and let students make their own decisions about what direction their learning will take. They encourage kids to work together with peers and to focus deeply on subject matter that interests them. Rather than working for the rewards of grades or praise, children in a Montessori school are motivated by the intrinsic rewards of their own achievement."  Thats an excerpt from a very good article I had found, you should check it out if you want to know more, I listed the source.  Hope that helps.

  3. The teacher's role is an ongoing cycle of observing children, guiding their learning, and assessing their progress. Teachers should motivate children, build on their prior knowledge and strengths, and support their learning in an intentional way by using a variety of strategies to increase their knowledge, skills, and understandings. Teachers should question individual children, encouraging them to expand their thinking and problem-solving skills. Teachers should construct an atmosphere in which children are intellectually engaged, eager, and happy rather than bored, tense, or unhappy. Teachers should plan individual or collaborative projects. Good teachers' children are not all doing the same project in the same way. Teachers see to it that students have physical space to experiment and play, and time to be alone; they should not be crowded into a confined or restrictive area for long periods of time. Teachers should provide opportunities for children to create their own writing or dictate their own stories to an adult; children should not copy or complete worksheets out of a book.

  4. Providing learning opportunities, experiences.  Providing good books and other materials for the child to explore.  Providing lots of hands-on.  Exploring, experiencing WITH them, being ready to offer assistance IF needed, and helpful in finding or sometimes providing answers to the many questions.

    READING TO THE CHILD!  Lots of books of different types.  Being patient to stop and really look at the pictures.  

    Giving of your time to the child.  Learning to enjoy being with them.

    Sometimes tying your hands and taping your mouth shut.  So you don't help when it is not needed or wanted, when doing it themselves will be better.  Not talking too much.  Letting the child observe and tell what they are learning.  Answering questions only when you can't lead/guide the child into discovering the answer for themselves.


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