
What is the role of testosterone during puberty? serious scientiffic answer please. its homework

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What is the role of testosterone during puberty? serious scientiffic answer please. its homework




  1. Testosterone is the male s*x hormone and is responsible for sexual maturity in all males. Testosterone is required for normal sperm production and the development of physical characteristics associated with the male body including growth of facial hair (and other bodily hair) increase in body size and muscle mass, the deepening of voice, etc.

    It's in charge of everything that goes on during puberty in men.

  2. The hormone begins to secreted into the young male body causing hair to sprout in the high and the low places,it causes the voice to deepen, it causes bodily growth and muscle development,it causes sexual urges to begin for the young man, in short it is what seperates the men from the boys.

  3. asking for homework answers on yahoo answers. i never tried that good thinking. really. but testosterone causes the voice to deepen, hair to grow in pubic areas, under arms, chest, back, legs, face, growth of the p***s and testicles (scientific term people) growth of sperm, and it makes guys the way guys are. but don't just use my answer. keep around for a bit and see what some other people say. i may have forgotten something. but good luck on your homework

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