
What is the role of the adult for cognitive development? pls answer asap?

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What kind of activities can i give to children for cognitive devlopment?




  1. counting, recognizing shapes, colors, numbers, letters.  Anything they need to use their brains to think with, is cognitive development.  the list can go on and on.....

  2. In short, you need to play with them and give them lots of attention.  Depending on the age play peek-a-boo, play with things that involve the 5 senses, encourage them to interact, read books with them, stacking rings, turn taking toys (Where you take turns), encourage colors, matching objects, encouraging body parts, singing songs, shape sorters, encouraging shapes, sizes, encouraging them to follow directions of various complexities, imaginary play (cars, house, picnic etc.).   If you have concerns for your child's cognitive development you should contact your local Early Intervention office if he/she is under 3.  If he/she is older you should contact your school district to see if Special Education is necessary.

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